Explanation of critical terms used throughout the ISO 17021 standard to ensure a shared understanding of key concepts.
2. General Principles
4.1 General: Introduction to the principles that underpin the standard. 4.2 Impartiality: Importance of impartiality in conducting certifications. 4.3 Competence: Ensuring competence of the personnel and the organization. 4.4 Responsibility: Defining the responsibilities within the certification process. 4.5 Openness: Benefits of being open in the certification process. 4.6 Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality across the certification process. 4.7 Responsiveness to Complaints: Handling complaints effectively. 4.8 Risk-based Approach: Integrating a risk-based approach in certifications.
5.1 Legal and Contractual Matters: Legal frameworks and contractual obligations. 5.1.1 Legal Responsibility 5.1.2 Certification Agreement 5.1.3 Responsibility for Certification Decisions 5.2 Management of Impartiality: Strategies to manage impartiality. 5.3 Liability and Financing: Understanding liabilities and financial management in certifications.
6.1 Organizational Structure and Top Management: Building an effective organizational structure. 6.2 Operational Control: Ensuring operational effectiveness and control.
7.1 Competence of Personnel: Criteria and evaluation of personnel competence. 7.1.1 General Considerations 7.1.2 Determination of Competence Criteria 7.1.3 Evaluation Processes 7.1.4 Other Considerations 7.2 Personnel Involved in Certification Activities 7.3 Use of Individual External Auditors and External Technical Experts 7.4 Personnel Records 7.5 Outsourcing
8.1 Public Information 8.2 Certification Documents 8.3 Reference to Certification and Use of Marks 8.4 Confidentiality 8.5 Information Exchange 8.5.1 Information on Certification Activity and Requirements 8.5.2 Notice of Changes by a Certification Body 8.5.3 Notice of Changes by a Certified Client
10. Management System Requirements for Certification Bodies
10.1 Options for management system structure. 10.2 Option A: General MS requirements (Document Control, Internal Audits, Corrective Actions). 10.3 Option B: Requirements aligned with ISO 9001.