ISO/IEC 17043:2023 Package
2025-01-27 10:22ISO/IEC 17043:2023 Package
ISO/IEC 17043 2023 complete package
2023 version
Price : 589 $
Accreditation Made Simple and Accessible for Your Business
The complete ISO/IEC 17043:2023 package is a comprehensive document package that contains everything from templates of procedures, processes, forms, checklists, tools, detailed guides, and instructions needed to:
- Start your ISO/IEC 17043 process.
- Create your ISO/IEC 17043 documentation.
- Quickly achieve ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation.
- Benefit from an ISO/IEC 17043 management system that is simple and adapted to the needs of your proficiency testing provider.
Why start with a blank page. Start your Project TODAY, and save up to 80% on your time and money.
This package comes with 1 hour Live 1-to-1 Online Session with ISO consultant, document reviews, continual email support for 12 months and regular update service.
Cost-Effective Implementation: Much cheaper than an on-site consultant, and requires much less time than doing it from scratch
ISO/IEC 17043 2023 Version Complete Package
• Added Value: All ISO/IEC 17043:2023 requirements have been developed into an efficient process that adds operational value to your proficiency testing provider and consequently increases productivity.
• Effective: Minimal effort is required to follow the procedures necessary to meet all requirements of ISO/IEC 17043.
• Simplified: Bureaucracy and excessive paperwork have been eliminated from each process to make it easy—while remaining fully compliant with ISO/IEC 17043:2023.
Start your Project TODAY, and save up to 80% on your time and money.
The all-in-one document package for ISO/IEC 17043 2023 version
Save time, save money and simplify the accreditation process.
Documents included:
- Document Control
- Records Control
- Management Review
- Internal Audit
- Corrective Action
- Preventive Action
- Proficiency Testing Scheme Development
- Proficiency Testing Scheme Implementation
- Data Analysis and Reporting
- Complaints Handling
- Personnel Competence and Training
- Equipment Calibration and Maintenance
- Risk Management
- Confidentiality and Impartiality
Records and Forms:
- Management Review Meeting Minutes
- Internal Audit Report
- Corrective Action Request
- Preventive Action Request
- Proficiency Testing Plan
- Proficiency Testing Report
- Data Analysis Results
- Complaints Register
- Training and Competence Records
- Equipment Calibration and Maintenance Records
- Risk Assessment Report
- Confidentiality and Impartiality Agreement
Manual and quality policy
- ISO 17043 Quality Manual
- SOP for Sample Preparation and Distribution
- SOP for Participant Registration and Communication
- SOP for Evaluation of Suppliers and Subcontractors
- SOP for Deviations, Non-conformities, and Appeals
- SOP for Quality Indicator Monitoring and Review
- SOP for Test Item Stability and Homogeneity Assessment
- SOP for Uncertainty Estimation in Proficiency Testing
- SOP for Customer Feedback Collection and Analysis
- SOP for Document and Record Retention and Disposal
- SOP for Incident Management and Reporting
- SOP for Health, Safety, and Environmental Management
- SOP for Contingency Planning and Emergency Response
- SOP for Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Operation
- SOP for IT Security and Data Protection
- SOP for Version Control and Change Management
- SOP for Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation and Surveillance
Comprehensive Guide to ISO/IEC 17043:2023: Chapter-by-Chapter Breakdown of Proficiency Testing Provider Requirements
Chapter 1: Scope
This chapter defines the scope of ISO/IEC 17043:2023 and explains its applicability to organizations involved in proficiency testing.
Key Requirements:
- Applicability: ISO 17043 applies to organizations that provide proficiency testing (PT) services across various sectors, such as testing and calibration laboratories. It establishes guidelines for managing PT programs to ensure accuracy and consistency in testing results.
- Objective: The standard ensures that organizations running PT schemes are competent, operate impartially, and provide credible, reliable test results to participants.
Chapter 2: Normative References
This chapter lists other standards and documents referenced by ISO 17043:2023 that are necessary for its correct application.
Key Requirements:
- Referenced Standards: ISO 17043:2023 refers to various standards, such as ISO/IEC 17025 (for testing and calibration laboratories), which are essential for ensuring consistency and proper application of proficiency testing schemes.
Chapter 3: Terms and Definitions
This chapter provides definitions for key terms and concepts used throughout the standard to ensure a common understanding.
Key Requirements:
- Key Terminology: Important terms such as “proficiency testing,” “interlaboratory comparison,” “assigned value,” and “performance evaluation” are defined to ensure clarity and consistency in how the standard is applied.
Chapter 4: General Requirements
This chapter focuses on the general operational principles of PT providers, including competence, impartiality, and confidentiality.
Key Requirements:
- Impartiality: PT providers must conduct their operations impartially. All activities, including planning, test result evaluation, and reporting, must be free from bias or conflicts of interest.
- Confidentiality: Providers must safeguard the confidentiality of participants’ identities and their performance results to ensure trust and prevent undue influence.
- Competence: PT providers must demonstrate that they have the necessary competence to plan, operate, and evaluate proficiency testing schemes effectively.
Chapter 5: Structural Requirements
This chapter addresses the organizational structure and governance of proficiency testing providers.
Key Requirements:
- Organizational Structure: The PT provider must have a defined organizational structure that clearly identifies roles, responsibilities, and authorities related to the proficiency testing process.
- Impartial Governance: Decision-making processes must be independent of any commercial, financial, or other pressures that could compromise the impartiality of the PT scheme.
Chapter 6: Resource Requirements
This chapter outlines the necessary resources, including personnel, facilities, and equipment, for proficiency testing providers to competently deliver their services.
Key Requirements:
- Competence of Personnel: Providers must ensure that personnel responsible for organizing, conducting, and evaluating proficiency tests are properly trained and competent in their respective roles.
- Infrastructure and Equipment: PT providers must maintain the necessary infrastructure and equipment to support proficiency testing activities. This includes proper calibration and maintenance of instruments used in interlaboratory comparisons.
- Subcontracting: When subcontracting any part of the proficiency testing scheme, providers must ensure that subcontractors meet the same competence and impartiality requirements as the main PT provider.
Chapter 7: Process Requirements
This chapter details the key processes involved in the planning, execution, and evaluation of proficiency testing schemes.
Key Requirements:
- Planning of PT Schemes: Providers must develop proficiency testing schemes that meet the needs of participants, including clear objectives, defined testing methods, and timelines.
- Proficiency Test Item Preparation: Providers must ensure that the test items are prepared, handled, and distributed in a way that maintains their integrity and suitability for the PT program.
- Assigned Values: Providers must assign values for the proficiency testing items (such as reference values or consensus values) based on robust scientific methods.
- Evaluation of Results: Providers must evaluate participants’ results against predefined criteria and communicate the outcomes in a clear, objective manner. This evaluation may include statistical analysis to identify any deviations from expected results.
- Handling of Nonconformities: Any nonconformities discovered during proficiency testing must be documented, investigated, and resolved to prevent recurrence.
Chapter 8: Management System Requirements
This chapter addresses the management system requirements that PT providers must implement to ensure consistent quality, reliability, and continual improvement of their operations.
Key Requirements:
- Management System Options: PT providers can implement a management system that either complies with ISO 9001 or follows specific requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 17043:2023. The system must be appropriate to the size and scope of the provider’s activities.
- Internal Audits: Providers must conduct internal audits of their proficiency testing schemes to assess compliance with ISO 17043 and identify areas for improvement.
- Corrective and Preventive Actions: A formal process must be in place for addressing nonconformities and implementing corrective actions to prevent similar issues in the future.
- Management Review: Regular management reviews should evaluate the effectiveness of the PT scheme, identifying areas for enhancement, customer feedback, and improvement opportunities in the management system.
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
If for whatever reason during the FIRST 30 days of your purchase, you are not satisfied for any reason, simply contact and our support team will issue you an immediate and full refund.
The package includes all the documents you need to comply with ISO/IEC 17043 2023- these documents are fully acceptable by the accreditation audit.
All documents are in MS Word or MS Excel, to make them very easy to customize for your business. You can customize them by adding company logos and colors, and edit headers and footers to match your favorite style.
We have already completed about 90% of the information requested on the documents. To complete them you must fill in only the name of the company, the responsible parties, and any other information unique to your company. you will be guided through the process, commenting on the elements that are needed and those that are optional.
We presented the ISO 17043 documentation, so as to assure all its users that they have completed everything accurately and with the utmost efficiency.
All the documents are made so that you can follow the proposed order perfectly, which allows you to make sure that nothing is missing, and that no one gets lost in the process.
The included comments and flowcharts help your staff understand each document and its usefulness, which helps you to make quality management more fluid, and processes easier to follow.
Features of the complete ISO/IEC 17043 2023 Kit
Price: 589 $
– Documentation included: 58 documents for the implementation of ISO 17043
– Language: English
– Documents are fully editable – just enter the information specific to your business.
– Acceptable for the ISO 17043 2023 accreditation audit? Yes, all the documents required by ISO 17043 2023 are included, as well as the quality policy and the current but optional procedures.
Instant Delivery – The package is downloadable immediately after purchase
Free Consultation – In addition, you can submit two complete documents for review by professionals.
Created for your business – The models are optimized for small and medium businesses.
Complete ISO/IEC 17043 2023 Package
The complete kit to implement ISO/IEC 17043
Price : 589 $
Get a Free Tailored ISO/IEC 17043 2023 Implementation Project Plan When You Purchase the Documentation Package!
Introduction: Project Kick-off and Gap Analysis
Introductory Tasks
1.1 ISO/IEC 17043 Kick-off and Awareness
Task: Organize Kick-off Meeting
- Description: Conduct a kick-off meeting to introduce the ISO/IEC 17043:2023 project to key stakeholders. Discuss objectives, scope, timelines, and responsibilities.
- Deliverables: Project plan, meeting agenda, and minutes.
- Meeting: Initial consultation with senior management, proficiency testing coordinators, and the implementation team.
1.2 Perform Gap Analysis
Task: Conduct Gap Analysis Against ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Requirements
- Description: Assess current proficiency testing processes, management systems, and technical operations against ISO/IEC 17043:2023 requirements to identify gaps.
- Deliverables: Gap analysis report with identified non-conformities.
- Meeting: Present findings to senior management and technical teams.
Section 1: Quality Management System (QMS) Documentation and Policy Development
2.1 Develop and Document Quality Policy and Objectives (ISO 17043 Clause 4.1)
Task: Define Quality Policy and Objectives
- Description: Develop the PT provider’s quality policy and measurable objectives, ensuring alignment with ISO/IEC 17043:2023 requirements.
- Deliverables: Quality policy and objectives document.
- Meeting: Review and approve the policy with senior management.
2.2 Develop Quality Management System (QMS) Documentation
Task: Create QMS Documentation (Manual, Procedures, Work Instructions)
- Description: Develop necessary documentation for the QMS, including a quality manual, process procedures, and work instructions that cover all key areas of proficiency testing activities.
- Deliverables: Quality manual, procedures, work instructions.
- Meeting: Review QMS documentation with the quality and technical teams.
Section 2: Design and Planning of Proficiency Testing Schemes
3.1 Develop and Document PT Scheme Design Process (ISO 17043 Clause 5)
Task: Define Proficiency Testing Scheme Requirements
- Description: Establish processes for designing proficiency testing schemes, including test item selection, statistical analysis, and evaluation criteria.
- Deliverables: PT scheme design documents, test item specifications, and performance evaluation methods.
- Meeting: Review PT scheme design with technical teams.
3.2 Develop PT Program Documentation (ISO 17043 Clause 5)
Task: Document Proficiency Testing Programs and Instructions
- Description: Develop documentation for the PT programs, including participant instructions, procedures for test item distribution, and reporting protocols.
- Deliverables: PT program documentation, participant guides, and result reporting templates.
- Meeting: Review PT program documents with technical and operational teams.
Section 3: Impartiality, Confidentiality, and Competence
4.1 Establish Policies for Impartiality and Confidentiality (ISO 17043 Clause 4
Task: Develop Impartiality and Confidentiality Policies
- Description: Establish policies to ensure impartiality and confidentiality in proficiency testing activities, ensuring that results are handled objectively and securely.
- Deliverables: Impartiality and confidentiality policies.
- Meeting: Review policies with senior management and relevant stakeholders.
4.2 Define Competence Requirements for PT Personnel (ISO 17043 Clause 6)
Task: Establish Competence Criteria for PT Personnel
- Description: Define the qualifications, experience, and skills required for personnel involved in PT schemes, including coordinators and evaluators.
- Deliverables: Competence matrix, job descriptions, and training plans.
- Meeting: Review competence criteria with HR and program heads.
Section 4: Proficiency Testing Process Implementation
5.1 Implement PT Scheme Procedures (ISO 17043 Clauses 7.1 – 7.5)
Task: Implement Procedures for PT Scheme Management
- Description: Roll out PT scheme procedures for planning, conducting, and reporting proficiency tests, ensuring that the defined process is followed consistently.
- Deliverables: PT scheme process documents, result reporting forms.
- Meeting: Review the implementation of PT processes with the technical team and ensure staff is trained on PT procedures.
5.2 Implement PT Evaluation Methods (ISO 17043 Clause 7.6)
Task: Roll Out Evaluation and Statistical Analysis Procedures
- Description: Implement evaluation methods and statistical analysis for assessing PT results and determine participant performance.
- Deliverables: Statistical analysis templates, performance evaluation reports.
- Meeting: Train PT coordinators on evaluation and statistical analysis methods.
Section 5:Control of Documents and Records
6.1 Implement Document Control System (ISO 17043 Clause 8)
Task: Establish Procedures for Document Control
- Description: Implement a document control system to ensure all PT-related documents, policies, and records are reviewed, updated, and managed according to ISO 17043.
- Deliverables: Document control procedures and document register.
- Meeting: Train staff on the document control system.
6.2 Implement Record Keeping and Traceability (ISO 17043 Clause 8.5)
Task: Establish Procedures for PT Record Control
- Description: Develop procedures to securely manage and retain records of PT activities, ensuring traceability of evaluations and results.
- Deliverables: Record control procedures, record retention schedules.
- Meeting: Review procedures with the quality team and train staff on record management.
Section 6: Internal Audits and Management Review
7.1 Develop Internal Audit Program (ISO 17043 Clause 8.6)
Task: Create Internal Audit Plan
- Description: Develop an internal audit program to regularly assess the effectiveness of the PT provider’s processes and compliance with ISO/IEC 17043:2023 requirements.
- Deliverables: Internal audit plan, audit schedule, and checklist.
- Meeting: Review audit plan with internal auditors and senior management.
7.2 Conduct Internal Audits
Task: Perform Internal Audits
- Description: Conduct internal audits to evaluate the PT provider’s adherence to ISO/IEC 17043 standards, including impartiality, confidentiality, and competence requirements.
- Deliverables: Internal audit reports, non-conformance reports.
- Meeting: Post-audit review meeting to discuss findings and corrective actions.
7.3 Conduct Management Review (ISO 17043 Clause 8.7)
Task: Perform Management Review of the PT Provider’s QMS
- Description: Conduct a management review to evaluate the performance of the PT provider, including an analysis of audit results, customer feedback, and opportunities for improvement.
- Deliverables: Management review minutes and action plans.
- Meeting: Present findings and improvement plans to senior management.
Final Assessment: Certification Preparation and External Audit
8.1 Conduct Pre-Certification Internal Audit
Task: Perform Pre-Certification Internal Audit
- Description: Conduct a final internal audit to ensure the PT provider meets ISO/IEC 17043:2023 requirements and is ready for external accreditation.
- Deliverables: Pre-certification audit report, corrective action plans.
- Meeting: Final review meeting with senior management and the certification team.
8.2 Certification Body Selection and External Audit
Task: Select Certification Body and Schedule Certification Audit
- Description: Research and select an accredited certification body for ISO/IEC 17043. Schedule the external audit and ensure the organization is fully prepared.
- Deliverables: Certification body selection report, external audit schedule.
- Meeting: Final meeting with management and certification teams to confirm readiness for accreditation.
This 8-month project plan for ISO/IEC 17043:2023 implementation provides a structured approach to achieving accreditation for proficiency testing providers. It covers key areas such as PT scheme development, impartiality, competence, documentation, internal audits, and continual improvement, aligning the organization with ISO/IEC 17043 requirements for proficiency testing activities.
What our customers think:
The one and only ISO/IEC 17043:2023 Complete Package from QSE Academy completely streamlined the whole accreditation process for our proficiency testing provider.
The pre-designed templates and easy to follow instructions saved us from starting everything over, which would have costed us countless man hours.
Plus, the one-on-one meetings with their ISO expert proved to be priceless, as they helped clear any question marks in peace and also kept us on track.
Besides having a great rapid assessment package, this also saved us tons on consulting costs out of the gate and helped us get accredited with little issue A solid option for any PT provider that wants to get accredited in a way more streamlined than the traditional route.
Price : 389 $
Alex Harper
Laboratory Director
QSE Academy ISO/IEC 17043:2023 Package literally changed the game for our team.
We wanted a simple and ordered approach to achieve ISO 17043 compliance, this one ticked all the appropriate boxes.
The pre defined templates and documentation helped us save weeks of time which we started spending on other important things.
Also, the direct steer we were given from their ISO expert in private one-on-one sessions was nothing short of invaluable. It could help us to optimise our operations, increase efficiency and cut consulting costs.
Whether you are a proficiency testing provider needing an affordable package, then this offer is for YOU!
Laura Stevens
Proficiency Testing Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to receive the complete package of documents after I place my order?
Upon completing your purchase, you will be redirected to the download page immediately. Additionally, a link to access your file will be sent to your email. The files are provided in a .zip format, which you will need to extract. If you encounter any issues with the download, please do not hesitate to contact us at Our support team is always ready to assist you.
What payment methods can I use?
We offer several payment options for your convenience. You can choose to pay using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Additionally, we provide a flexible layaway plan for those who prefer to pay for their purchase over time. If you have any questions about our payment options, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Do you offer a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the service?
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our service for any reason, you can cancel within the first 30 days and receive a full refund, no questions asked.
How can I communicate with the ISO expert?
When you make a purchase, you will be contacted by an account manager who will assist you throughout the process. Our scheduling is flexible to accommodate your needs. Upon requesting a meeting, you will receive a link to select a time that works best for you. Additionally, you can communicate with the ISO expert via email.