BRC V9-paket
2024-10-28 11:19BRC V9 Package
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BRC V9 complete package
V9 version
Pris : 489 $
The complete BRC V9 package is a comprehensive document package that contains everything from templates of procedures, processes, forms, checklists, tools, detailed guides, and instructions needed to:
– Start your BRC V9 process.
– Create your BRC V9 documentation.
– Quickly achieve BRC V9 certification.
– Benefit from a BRC V9 management system that is simple and adapted to the needs of your organization.
Varför börja med en tom sida? Starta ditt projekt idag och spara upp till 80% i tid och pengar.
Paketet innehåller en timmes live 1-to-1 onlinesession med en ISO-konsult, dokumentgranskning, kontinuerlig e-postsupport i 12 månader och regelbunden uppdateringstjänst.
Kostnadseffektivt genomförande: Mycket billigare än en konsult på plats och kräver mycket mindre tid än att göra det från början.
BRC Version 9 Complete Package
• Added Value: All BRC V9 requirements have been developed into an efficient process that adds operational value to your organization and consequently increases productivity.
• Effective: Minimal effort is required to follow procedures necessary to meet all requirements of BRC V9.
• Simplified: Bureaucracy and excessive paperwork have been eliminated from each process to make it easy – while remaining fully compliant with BRC V9.
Starta ditt projekt idagoch spara upp till 80% på din tid och dina pengar.
The all-in-one document package for BRC V9 version
Spara tid, spara pengar och förenkla ackrediteringsprocessen.
Dokumenten ingår:
👉 Det här paketet ger dig följande funktioner:
- Fullständigt livstid tillgång till
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Detta paket innehåller
- Förfaranden:
- Kvalitetsledningssystem Procedur
- Ledningsansvarsförfarande
- Procedur för livsmedelssäkerhetsplan (HACCP)
- Faroanalysprocedur
- Livsmedelsförsvarsplanens procedur
- Förfarande för begränsning av livsmedelsbedrägerier
- Allergenhanteringsprocedur
- Produktutvecklingsprocedur
- Leverantörsgodkännande och övervakningsprocedur
- Internrevisionsförfarande
- Produktprocedur som inte överensstämmer
- Korrigerande och förebyggande åtgärder
- Procedur för kontroll av dokument och register
- Utbildnings- och kompetensförfarande
- Spårbarhetsprocedur
- Validering och verifieringsprocedur
- Procedur för hantering av klagomål
- Procedur för produktåterkallelse
- Procedur för produktåterkallelse
- Incidenthanteringsprocedur
- Kalibrerings- och underhållsprocedur
- Skadedjursbekämpningsprocedur
- Hygien och rengöringsprocedur
- Miljöövervakningsförfarande
- Procedur för avfallshantering
- Lagrings- och distributionsprocedur
- Märkning och förpackningsprocedur
- Utrustnings- och redskapshanteringsprocedur
Dokument och formulär:
- HACCP Team Meeting Record
- Arbetsblad för riskanalys
- Arbetsblad för KKP:s beslutsträd
- Sammanfattning av HACCP-planen
- Form för bedömning av livsmedelsförsvaret
- Blankett för bedömning av sårbarhet för livsmedelsbedrägerier
- Blankett för riskbedömning av allergener
- Leverantörsutvärdering och godkännandeformulär
- Tidsplan för internrevision
- Internrevisionsrapport
- Icke överensstämmelse rapport
- Begäran om korrigerande åtgärd
- Träningsrekord
- Trackability Test Record
- Validerings- och verifieringspost
- Kundklagomålslogg
- Logg för produktåterkallelse
- Skaderapport
- Kalibreringspost
- Underhållslogg
- Besiktningsrapport för skadedjursbekämpning
- Städschema och protokoll
- Miljöövervakningsprotokoll
- Avfallshanteringsprotokoll
- Lagrings- och distributionsregister
- Etikettgodkännandeformulär
- Utrustnings- och redskapslogg
Handbok och kvalitetspolicy
- BRC V9 Management System för kvalitet och livsmedelssäkerhet Manual
- Webbplatskarta och processflödesdiagram
- Organisationsschema
- Arbetsbeskrivningar
- BRC V9 Gap Analysis Tool
- Riskbedömning
- SOP för råmaterialmottagning
- SOP för lagring av råvaror
- SOP för hantering och förvaring av förpackningsmaterial
- SOP för inspektion och rengöring före operation
- SOP för personlig hygien och GMP
- SOP för handtvätt och rengöring
- SOP för temperaturkontroll och övervakning
- SOP för produktinspektion och testning
- SOP för kvalitetskontroll under process
- SOP för release av färdig produkt
- SOP för rengörings- och desinficeringsutrustning
- SOP för allergenkontroll och korskontaktförebyggande
- SOP för kontroll av utländskt material
- SOP för produktidentifiering och spårbarhet
- SOP för kontroll av glas och spröd plast
- SOP för underhåll och reparation
- SOP för skadedjursbekämpning
- SOP för övervakning och kontroll av vattenkvalitet
- SOP för övervakning och kontroll av luftkvalitet
- SOP för avfallshantering och bortskaffande
- SOP för nödprocedurer
- SOP för frakt och mottagning
Comprehensive Breakdown of BRCGS Food Safety Standard Issue 9: Chapter-by-Chapter Guide to Compliance
Chapter 1: Senior Management Commitment
Viktiga krav:
- Food Safety Policy: The company must have a clearly documented food safety policy, signed by senior management, that is reviewed regularly.
- Objectives: Senior management should establish and review measurable food safety objectives to improve performance.
- Resource Allocation: Adequate resources must be provided for the implementation and maintenance of the food safety system.
- Management Reviews: Regular management reviews are required to assess the effectiveness of the food safety system, covering critical performance metrics, complaints, non-conformities, and improvement opportunities.
Chapter 2: The Food Safety Plan (HACCP)
The backbone of the BRC standard is the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system.
Viktiga krav:
- HACCP Team: A multidisciplinary team must develop, implement, and maintain the HACCP plan.
- Hazard Analysis: Identify all potential hazards (biological, chemical, and physical) at each step of production.
- Critical Control Points (CCPs): Establish CCPs where controls are necessary to prevent or eliminate hazards.
- Monitoring and Corrective Actions: Monitoring must be in place for each CCP, along with documented corrective actions if limits are breached.
- Verification and Review: The HACCP plan must be regularly reviewed to ensure effectiveness.
Chapter 3: Food Safety and Quality Management System
This chapter sets out the documentation and procedures required to manage food safety and quality.
Viktiga krav:
- Documented Food Safety System: A food safety and quality management system must be established, documented, and maintained.
- Control of Documents: Procedures should be in place for managing documents, ensuring the right versions are used, and obsolete versions are removed.
- Internrevisioner: Regular internal audits must be carried out to verify the effectiveness of the system.
- Korrigerande åtgärder: A system should be in place to investigate and correct any deviations, with root cause analysis to prevent recurrence.
- Traceability: A robust traceability system must be in place for products, ingredients, and packaging, tested at least annually.
Chapter 4: Site Standards
This chapter focuses on the structural integrity of the site and ensures that it supports the production of safe food.
Viktiga krav:
- External Standards: The site’s external environment must be maintained to prevent contamination.
- Layout and Flow: The layout should support food safety, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination between raw materials and finished products.
- Utilities and Equipment: Utilities such as water, ice, and compressed air must not pose contamination risks. Equipment should be designed for easy cleaning and maintenance.
- Maintenance and Cleaning: A planned maintenance system is required, along with documented cleaning schedules for all areas and equipment.
- Pest Control: A documented pest control program must be in place with regular inspections and records of corrective actions.
Chapter 5: Product Control
This chapter covers how products are developed, produced, and protected.
Viktiga krav:
- Product Design and Development: A formal process must be in place for the development of new products, ensuring food safety and legality.
- Allergenhantering: Procedures must be in place to control the risk of allergen cross-contamination, including ingredient labeling and equipment cleaning.
- Product Authenticity and Claims: Steps must be taken to guard against food fraud and ensure that product claims (e.g., organic, fair trade) are accurate.
- Product Testing: Appropriate product testing for microbiological, chemical, or physical hazards should be conducted, with a procedure for handling test results.
- Product Release: Systems must be in place to ensure that products are only released for distribution once all safety and quality checks are met.
Monitoring and supervision methods for personnel typically include the use of blind samples, inter-laboratory or intra-laboratory comparisons, inter-comparison samples, reference standards, and assessments. These methods help ensure the competency and performance of staff in maintaining food safety and quality.
Chapter 6: Process Control
This chapter ensures that processes are controlled to produce safe and high-quality products consistently.
Viktiga krav:
- Specifications: Detailed product specifications must be in place and verified regularly.
- Process Monitoring: Critical processes should be monitored to ensure they meet defined parameters (e.g., cooking times, temperatures).
- Weight and Volume Control: Systems should be in place to check product weight and volume, ensuring compliance with label claims and regulations.
- Product Inspection and Testing: In-line checks should be done to verify product safety and quality, including metal detection or X-ray scanning where necessary.
Chapter 7: Personnel
Personnel play a critical role in maintaining food safety, and this chapter covers their hygiene, training, and behavior.
Viktiga krav:
- Training: All personnel must be adequately trained in food safety, with refresher training conducted regularly.
- Personal Hygiene: Strict personal hygiene rules should be enforced, including handwashing, clean uniforms, and restrictions on jewelry.
- Medical Screening: Procedures should be in place to assess the health of staff to prevent contamination from illness.
- Protective Clothing: Staff should wear appropriate protective clothing, depending on the area of production, and this clothing must be regularly cleaned.
- Training Records: Detailed records must be kept to track staff training, ensuring that all employees are qualified for their roles.
Chapter 8: High-Risk, High-Care, and Ambient High-Care Production Risk Zones
This chapter is for sites that handle high-risk or high-care products where there is a greater potential for contamination.
Viktiga krav:
- Segregation: High-risk areas must be physically segregated from other production areas to prevent contamination.
- Access Control: Access to these areas should be strictly controlled, with appropriate clothing, handwashing facilities, and air pressure systems.
- Cleaning: Enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures are required to control any potential contamination risks.
- Miljöövervakning: Regular monitoring of the environment for microbial contamination should be carried out to verify the effectiveness of hygiene procedures.
Chapter 9: Requirements for Traded Products
This chapter applies to companies that buy and sell food products that they don’t manufacture themselves.
Viktiga krav:
- Supplier Approval and Monitoring: Procedures should be in place to ensure that traded products are sourced from approved, verified suppliers.
- Specifications for Traded Products: Clear specifications must be agreed upon with suppliers and reviewed regularly.
- Product Safety and Quality Monitoring: Traded products should be tested and monitored to ensure they meet all legal and safety requirements before sale.
90 dagars pengarna tillbaka-garanti
Om du av någon anledning under de första 90 dagarna efter köpet inte är nöjd av någon anledning, kan du helt enkelt kontakta och vårt supportteam kommer att ge dig en omedelbar och fullständig återbetalning.
The package includes all the documents you need to comply with BRC V9 – these documents are fully acceptable by the accreditation audit.
Alla dokument är i MS Word eller MS Excel, vilket gör det mycket enkelt att anpassa dem till ditt företag. Du kan anpassa dem genom att lägga till företagslogotyper och färger och redigera rubriker och sidfötter för att matcha din favoritstil.
Vi har redan fyllt i ungefär 90% av den information som begärs i dokumenten. För att fylla i dem behöver du bara fylla i företagets namn, de ansvariga parterna och annan information som är unik för ditt företag. du kommer att guidas genom processen och kommentera de delar som behövs och de som är frivilliga.
We presented the BRC V9 documentation, so as to assure all its users that they have completed everything accurately and with the utmost efficiency.
Alla dokument är gjorda så att du kan följa den föreslagna ordningen perfekt, vilket gör att du kan se till att inget saknas och att ingen går vilse i processen.
De medföljande kommentarerna och flödesschemana hjälper personalen att förstå varje dokument och dess användbarhet, vilket hjälper dig att göra kvalitetshanteringen smidigare och processerna lättare att följa.
Features of the complete BRC V9 Kit
Pris: 489 $
– Documentation included: 58 documents for the implementation of BRC V9
- MS Office 2007-format, MS Office 2010, MS Office 2013
- Språk: engelska engelska
- Dokumenten är helt redigerbara - ange bara den information som är specifik för ditt företag.
– Acceptable for the BRC V9 accreditation audit? Yes, all the documents required by BRC V9 are included, as well as the quality policy and the current but optional procedures.
Omedelbar leverans - Paketet kan laddas ner omedelbart efter köpet.
Gratis konsultation - Dessutom kan du skicka in två kompletta dokument för granskning av professionella experter.
Skapad för ditt företag - Modellerna är optimerade för små och medelstora företag.
Complete BRC V9 Package
The complete kit to implement BRC V9
Pris : 489 $
Total genomförandetid: 8 månader
BRC V9 Implementation Project Plan
Achieving BRC V9 compliance is a significant milestone for any organization, signifying a commitment to quality and food safety. Our expert consultants are here to guide you through every step of the implementation process, from initial consultation and gap analysis to final assessment and certification. With our comprehensive project plan, tailored training programs, and dedicated support, we ensure your organization meets all BRC V9 requirements efficiently and effectively. Partner with us to enhance your organization’s credibility, improve operational processes, and gain international recognition. Let us help you achieve excellence in food safety management.
Introduction: Senior Management Commitment (BRC V9 Section 1) (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
Inledande uppgifter
1.1 Demonstrate Management Commitment
Task: Demonstrate Management Commitment
- Beskrivning: Develop and document a statement from senior management demonstrating their commitment to BRC V9, including a commitment to food safety, continuous improvement, and resource allocation.
- Leveranser: Management commitment statement.
- Möte: Review with the senior management team.
Task: Develop a Food Safety Culture Plan
- Beskrivning: Create a plan to establish a positive food safety culture, including employee involvement, leadership actions, and methods for measuring improvements.
- Leveranser: Food safety culture plan.
- Möte: Review plan with senior management.
Task: Set Up Continuous Improvement Mechanism
- Beskrivning: Develop procedures to ensure continuous improvement within the food safety and quality management system, including corrective actions, root cause analysis, and performance monitoring.
- Leveranser: Continuous improvement process documentation.
- Möte: Internal meeting to establish roles and monitor progress.
Section 1: Hazard and Risk Management (BRC V9 Section 2) (Varaktighet: 2 månader)
2.1 Implement a HACCP-Based Food Safety System
Task: Conduct a HACCP Review
- Beskrivning: Review the existing HACCP plan or develop a new one based on the BRC V9 framework. Ensure it includes hazard identification, risk analysis, control measures, and verification steps.
- Leveranser: Updated HACCP plan.
- Möte: Review HACCP plan with the HACCP team.
2.2 Validate Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Task: Validate and Monitor CCPs
- Beskrivning: Identify critical control points within the production process and validate them to ensure they are effective in mitigating food safety risks.
- Leveranser: CCP validation report.
- Möte: CCP monitoring review with HACCP team.
2.2 Conduct Hazard Analysis
Task: Perform Comprehensive Hazard Analysis
- Beskrivning: Conduct a hazard analysis to identify biological, chemical, and physical hazards that could affect food safety and assess their likelihood and severity.
- Leveranser: Hazard analysis report.
- Möte: Internal review with HACCP team.
Section 2: Food Safety and Quality Management System (BRC V9 Section 3) (Varaktighet: 2.5 Months)
3.1 Documented Food Safety and Quality Management System
Task: Develop Food Safety and Quality Manual
- Beskrivning: Create or update the food safety and quality manual in compliance with BRC V9. Ensure it includes policies, procedures, and records for monitoring and maintaining food safety.
- Leveranser: Food safety and quality manual.
- Möte: Internal review with the management team.
3.2 Document Control and Record Keeping
Uppgift: Upprätta rutiner för dokumentkontroll
- Beskrivning: Develop and implement procedures for the control of documents, ensuring all documents are properly reviewed, approved, and accessible to relevant staff.
- Leveranser: Document control procedures.
- Möte: Training session with staff to ensure understanding of document control.
3.3 Internal Audits
Task: Develop and Conduct Internal Audit Program
- Beskrivning: Establish an internal audit program to assess the effectiveness of the food safety and quality management system. Ensure all departments are audited regularly and corrective actions are documented.
- Leveranser: Internal audit plan and reports.
- Möte: Audit review meetings with management.
Section 3: Site Standards (BRC V9 Section 4)(Varaktighet: 1,5 månader)
4.1 Establish Facility and Environmental Standards
Task: Conduct Facility Risk Assessment
- Beskrivning: Perform a risk assessment of the facility to ensure it meets BRC V9 requirements for food safety, hygiene, and contamination prevention.
- Leveranser: Facility risk assessment report.
- Möte: Review findings with the operations team.
4.2 Implement Site Cleaning Procedures
Task: Develop Cleaning and Sanitation Procedures
- Beskrivning: Establish cleaning schedules, hygiene standards, and sanitation procedures to maintain a safe and clean environment.
- Leveranser: Cleaning procedure documents, sanitation logs.
- Möte: Training session with staff on hygiene and cleaning standards.
4.3 Control of Foreign Body Contamination
Uppgift: Implement Foreign Body Control Measures
- Beskrivning: Develop procedures for managing risks related to foreign body contamination (e.g., metal, glass, plastic) and implement controls such as X-ray or metal detection systems.
- Leveranser: Foreign body contamination control plan.
- Möte: Review detection system with quality team.
Section 4: Product Control (BRC V9 Section 5)(Varaktighet: 1,5 månader)
5.1 Control of Allergens
Task: Develop Allergen Management Program
- Beskrivning: Implement a comprehensive allergen management program that covers risk identification, ingredient segregation, and communication to prevent allergen cross-contamination.
- Leveranser: Allergen control procedures.
- Möte: Training session on allergen control measures.
5.2 Product Testing
Task: Establish Product Testing and Monitoring Program
- Beskrivning: Create a product testing plan that includes microbiological testing, chemical analysis, and sensory evaluations to ensure product safety and quality.
- Leveranser: Product testing plan and results.
- Möte: Review product testing outcomes with the quality team.
5.3 Ensure Product Traceability
Task: Implement Traceability System
- Beskrivning: Develop and document a traceability system that allows for complete tracking of products from raw material intake to finished product dispatch, meeting BRC V9 traceability requirements.
- Leveranser: Traceability procedure document.
- Möte: Test traceability system for effectiveness.
Section 5: Process Control (BRC V9 Section 6) (Varaktighet: 2 månader)
6.1 Control of Product Labelling
Task: Develop Labelling Control Procedures
- Beskrivning: Implement procedures to control product labeling, ensuring that labels meet regulatory and customer requirements, including allergen declarations and product information.
- Leveranser: Labelling control procedure.
- Möte: Review with the packaging and quality teams.
6.2 Product Packaging
Task: Establish Packaging Control Procedures
- Beskrivning: Implement controls to ensure that packaging materials used for food products are safe and suitable for their intended purpose.
- Leveranser: Packaging control procedures.
- Möte: Packaging material review with procurement and production teams.
6.3 Calibration of Measuring Devices
Task: Implement Calibration Program
- Beskrivning: Establish a calibration program for all measuring devices, ensuring they are regularly calibrated and accurate for monitoring critical control points.
- Leveranser: Calibration records and schedules.
- Möte: Review calibration records with the technical team.
Section 6:Personnel (BRC V9 Section 7) (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
7.1 Develop Training and Competency Program
Task: Conduct Staff Competency Assessment
- Beskrivning: Assess the competence of staff in key roles to ensure they are trained and knowledgeable about food safety, quality management, and BRC V9 requirements.
- Leveranser: Competency assessment report.
- Möte: Review competency gaps and training needs with HR.
7.2 Implement Personal Hygiene Standards
Task: Develop Personal Hygiene Policy
- Beskrivning: Establish personal hygiene policies for staff, including handwashing, protective clothing, and other hygiene measures to prevent contamination risks.
- Leveranser: Hygiene policy document.
- Möte: Training session with all staff.
Slutlig utvärdering och ackrediteringsförberedelser (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
8.1 Conduct Final Internal Audit
Task: Perform Pre-Assessment Audit
- Beskrivning: Conduct a final internal audit to verify compliance with all BRC V9 clauses, identify any remaining gaps, and implement corrective actions.
- Leveranser: Internal audit report.
- Möte: Post-audit review with management and consultant.
8.2 Certification Body Selection
Uppgift: Välj certifieringsorgan
- Beskrivning: Research and select an accredited certification body to carry out the BRC V9 audit and provide certification.
- Leveranser: Certification body selection report.
- Möte: Finalize selection with the consultant and management team.
Vad våra kunder tycker:
“The BRC V9 package from QSE Academy was a game-changer for our team. We were able to implement all the necessary compliance requirements without spending months creating documents from scratch. The pre-made templates, forms, and SOPs were clear, customizable, and made the entire process smooth. Plus, the support we received through the one-on-one consultations was invaluable. This package not only saved us countless hours but also significant costs compared to hiring external consultants. I highly recommend it to anyone aiming for BRC V9 certification.”
Sarah Johnson
“QSE Academy’s BRC V9 Package is truly worth the investment. We were able to achieve compliance much faster than we expected, thanks to the complete set of ready-to-use documents. The package saved us both time and money, as we didn’t need to hire expensive consultants or spend time developing our own procedures. The step-by-step guidance and the expert consultations ensured we were on the right track from day one. I can’t recommend this package enough for companies looking for a cost-effective way to achieve BRC certification.”
Michael Thompson
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Vi erbjuder en 30-dagars pengarna-tillbaka-garanti. Om du av någon anledning inte är nöjd med vår tjänst kan du avbryta inom de första 30 dagarna och få full återbetalning, utan att ställa några frågor.
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När du gör ett köp kommer du att bli kontaktad av en kundansvarig som hjälper dig genom hela processen. Vår schemaläggning är flexibel för att tillgodose dina behov. När du begär ett möte får du en länk för att välja en tid som fungerar bäst för dig. Dessutom kan du kommunicera med ISO-experten via e-post.