IATF 16949 2016-paket
2024-10-28 11:19IATF 16949 2016 Package
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IATF 16949:2016 complete package
2016 års version
Pris : 489 $
The complete IATF 16949 package is a comprehensive document package that contains everything from all the templates of procedures, processes, forms, checklists, tools, detailed guides, and instructions needed to:
- Start your IATF 16949 process.
- Create your IATF 16949 documentation.
- Quickly access IATF 16949 accreditation.
- Benefit from an IATF 16949 management system that is simple and adapted to the needs of your organization.
Varför börja med en tom sida? Starta ditt projekt idag och spara upp till 80% i tid och pengar.
Paketet innehåller en timmes live 1-to-1 onlinesession med en ISO-konsult, dokumentgranskning, kontinuerlig e-postsupport i 12 månader och regelbunden uppdateringstjänst.
Kostnadseffektivt genomförande: Mycket billigare än en konsult på plats och kräver mycket mindre tid än att göra det från början.
IATF 16949 2016 Version Complete Package
• Added Value: All IATF 16949 requirements have been developed into an efficient process that adds operational value to your organization and consequently increases productivity.
• Effective: Minimal effort is required to follow procedures necessary to meet all requirements of IATF 16949.
• Simplified: Bureaucracy and excessive paperwork have been eliminated from each process to make it easy—while remaining fully compliant with IATF 16949.
Starta ditt projekt idagoch spara upp till 80% på din tid och dina pengar.
The all-in-one document package for IATF 16949 version 2016
Spara tid, spara pengar och förenkla ackrediteringsprocessen.
Dokumenten ingår:
👉 Det här paketet ger dig följande funktioner:
- Fullständigt livstid tillgång till
- Åtkomst på en bärbar dator, stationär och mobil
Intyg om slutförandet
Detta paket innehåller
- Procedur för dokumentkontroll
- Procedur för registerkontroll
- Internrevisionsförfarande
- Procedur för korrigerande åtgärder
- Förebyggande åtgärder
- Procedur för kontroll av icke överensstämmande utdata
- Förfarande för kundspecifika krav
- Förfarande för val och utvärdering av leverantör
- Förfarande för design och utveckling
- Förfarande för produktion och tillhandahållande av tjänster
- Procedur för kalibrering och mätning
- Riskhanteringsprocedur
- Procedur för ändringshantering
- Utbildnings- och kompetensförfarande
- Övervakning och mätningsprocedur
- Utrustningsunderhållsprocedur
- Procedur för kvalitetsmål
- Ledningens granskningsprocedur
Dokument och formulär:
- Formulär för begäran om dokumentändring
- Schema för lagring av rekord
- Blankett för internrevisionsrapport
- Formulär för begäran om korrigerande åtgärder
- Formulär för begäran om förebyggande åtgärder
- Formulär för avvikelserapport
- Formulär för kundklagomål
- Leverantörsutvärderingsformulär
- Formulär för granskning av design och utveckling
- Plan för processtyrning
- PPAP-paket (Production Part Approval Process)
- Kalibrerings- och mätprotokoll
- Riskbedömningsmatris
- Formulär för begäran om ändring
- Träningsrekord
- Övervakning och mätning av resultat
- Underhållsregister
- Uppföljning av kvalitetsmål
- Ledningsgranskning mötesprotokoll
Handbok och kvalitetspolicy
- Manual för kvalitetsledningssystem enligt IATF 16949
- Kvalitetspolicy
- Organisationsschema
- Processflödesscheman
- Sköldpaddsdiagram
- FMEA (analys av feltillstånd och effekter)
- Kontrollplan
- SOP för mottagningskontroll
- SOP för inspektion under processens gång
- SOP för slutbesiktning
- SOP för materialhantering
- SOP för förpackning och märkning
- SOP för förvaring och konservering
- SOP för transport och leverans
- SOP för spårbarhet och identifiering
- SOP för avfallshantering
- SOP för nödberedskap och insats
- SOP för hälsa och säkerhet på arbetsplatsen
- SOP för miljöledning
Comprehensive Breakdown of IATF 16949:2016: Chapter-by-Chapter Guide to Automotive Quality Management
Kapitel 1: Omfattning
This chapter defines the scope of the IATF 16949:2016 standard and explains its integration with ISO 9001.
Viktiga krav:
- Tillämplighet: IATF 16949 applies to organizations that produce parts, components, or systems for the automotive industry. It covers the design, development, production, and installation of automotive-related products.
- Exclusion of Product Design (if applicable): Companies that are not responsible for product design can exclude the design and development sections of the standard, but must still meet the process design requirements.
- Supplement to ISO 9001: IATF 16949 is a supplement to ISO 9001. Organizations must comply with all ISO 9001 requirements along with the additional automotive-specific requirements detailed in IATF 16949.
Kapitel 2: Normativa referenser
This chapter explains the documents referenced by IATF 16949:2016 that are necessary for understanding and implementing the standard.
Viktiga krav:
- ISO 9001:2015 Standard: Since IATF 16949 is built upon ISO 9001:2015, organizations must follow the relevant sections of ISO 9001 for their QMS, while IATF 16949 adds specific automotive industry requirements.
- IATF Supplemental Documents: In addition to ISO 9001, organizations must refer to automotive-specific core tools like APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis), SPC (Statistical Process Control), and PPAP (Production Part Approval Process).
Kapitel 3: Termer och definitioner
This chapter provides definitions of the key terms used throughout the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
Viktiga krav:
- Key Definitions: Terms such as “manufacturing,” “customer-specific requirements (CSR),” and “quality management system (QMS)” are clearly defined to ensure consistent interpretation.
- Understanding Terminology: Understanding the precise meaning of terms like “nonconformity,” “preventive action,” and “special characteristics” is critical for correctly applying the standard.
Kapitel 4: Organisationens kontext
This chapter focuses on understanding the organization’s internal and external context, as well as its interested parties, to ensure that the QMS is aligned with its strategic direction.
Viktiga krav:
- Understanding Organizational Context: Organizations must determine external and internal factors that affect their ability to achieve the intended outcomes of their QMS. This could include market conditions, regulations, customer expectations, and technological changes.
- Interested Parties: Organizations need to identify relevant interested parties (customers, suppliers, regulators, etc.) and understand their requirements.
- Scope of the QMS: The organization must clearly define the boundaries of the QMS, taking into account its context and customer-specific requirements.
- Processinriktat tillvägagångssätt: Organizations must adopt a process approach, identifying key processes, inputs, and outputs, and interactions to ensure effective management and continual improvement.
Chapter 5: Leadership
This chapter emphasizes the role of top management in establishing, promoting, and ensuring the effective implementation of the QMS.
Viktiga krav:
- Ledarskapsengagemang: Top management must demonstrate leadership by taking responsibility for the QMS and ensuring that quality objectives are integrated into the organization’s strategic goals.
- Kundfokus: Organizations must ensure that customer requirements are understood, met, and exceeded, with customer satisfaction being a top priority.
- Kvalitetspolicy: Top management is responsible for establishing and communicating a quality policy that supports continual improvement and aligns with the organization’s strategic direction.
- Roller och ansvarsområden: Leadership must ensure that roles, responsibilities, and authorities are clearly defined and communicated throughout the organization.
Kapitel 6: Planering
This chapter covers the planning of the QMS and how to address risks, opportunities, and changes.
Viktiga krav:
- Riskbaserat tänkande: Organizations must identify risks and opportunities that could affect the quality management system’s ability to meet objectives and ensure customer satisfaction. This requires a structured approach to risk management and preventive action.
- Quality Objectives: Specific, measurable quality objectives must be established at relevant functions, levels, and processes within the organization. These objectives should support continual improvement.
- Planning for Changes: When changes to the QMS or processes occur (e.g., new technology or customer requirements), organizations must plan and implement those changes in a controlled manner to ensure continued product quality.
Kapitel 7: Support
This chapter defines the resources, competence, awareness, and communication necessary for implementing the QMS.
Viktiga krav:
- Resurser: Organizations must provide adequate resources (human, technical, and financial) to implement, maintain, and improve the QMS. This includes ensuring that necessary infrastructure, equipment, and information systems are available.
- Kompetens: Personnel must be trained, competent, and qualified for their roles. Organizations are required to determine necessary competence and provide training to fill any gaps.
- Awareness: Employees must be aware of the quality policy, their contribution to the QMS, and the consequences of not meeting quality requirements.
- Kommunikation: Effective internal and external communication mechanisms must be established to share information related to the QMS, including customer-specific requirements.
- Documented Information: The organization must maintain documented information (procedures, work instructions, records) necessary to support and demonstrate the effectiveness of the QMS.
Chapter 8: Operation
This chapter focuses on the operational processes required to deliver products that meet customer requirements, including production planning, control, and product validation.
Viktiga krav:
- Operational Planning and Control: Organizations must plan, implement, and control production processes to meet requirements and deliver products that conform to specifications.
- Product Design and Development: If the organization is responsible for product design, it must implement a structured design and development process, including planning, input/output control, validation, and verification.
- Leverantörshantering: The organization must have a robust process for selecting and managing suppliers. Supplier performance must be monitored, and they must meet customer-specific requirements.
- Product and Process Validation: Organizations must validate key processes to ensure that products consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements, especially for critical or special characteristics.
- Control of Nonconforming Product: A process must be in place to identify, segregate, and address nonconforming products, with corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence.
Chapter 9: Performance Evaluation
This chapter ensures that organizations measure, monitor, and analyze the performance of their QMS to promote continual improvement.
Viktiga krav:
- Monitoring and Measurement: Organizations must monitor the performance of processes, product quality, and customer satisfaction through the use of performance indicators and objectives.
- Internrevisioner: Regular internal audits must be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the QMS, ensuring compliance with IATF 16949 and ISO 9001.
- Ledningens genomgång: Top management must conduct regular management reviews to assess the performance of the QMS, identify areas for improvement, and ensure alignment with strategic objectives.
- Customer Satisfaction: A focus on customer satisfaction is essential. Feedback mechanisms must be in place to understand customer perceptions and address concerns.
Kapitel 10: Förbättring
The final chapter focuses on the continual improvement of the QMS, including corrective actions and preventive measures.
Viktiga krav:
- Ständiga förbättringar: Organizations must have a structured approach to continually improving the QMS and related processes, with the goal of enhancing product quality, reducing waste, and increasing efficiency.
- Korrigerande åtgärder: A formal corrective action process must be in place to address nonconformities, with root cause analysis to prevent recurrence.
- Problem-Solving Techniques: Automotive industry-specific problem-solving techniques, such as 8D (Eight Disciplines) or A3 (Structured Problem Solving), should be used to address significant nonconformities and customer issues.
- Preventive Action: Although the emphasis is on corrective action, organizations must also implement preventive measures to avoid potential nonconformities, particularly through risk-based thinking.
90 dagars pengarna tillbaka-garanti
Om du av någon anledning under de första 90 dagarna efter köpet inte är nöjd av någon anledning, kan du helt enkelt kontakta support@qse-academy.com och vårt supportteam kommer att ge dig en omedelbar och fullständig återbetalning.
The package includes all the documents you need to comply with IATF 16949 – these documents are fully acceptable by the accreditation audit.
Alla dokument är i MS Word eller MS Excel, vilket gör det mycket enkelt att anpassa dem till ditt företag. Du kan anpassa dem genom att lägga till företagslogotyper och färger och redigera rubriker och sidfötter för att matcha din favoritstil.
Vi har redan fyllt i ungefär 90% av den information som begärs i dokumenten. För att fylla i dem behöver du bara fylla i företagets namn, de ansvariga parterna och annan information som är unik för ditt företag. du kommer att guidas genom processen och kommentera de delar som behövs och de som är frivilliga.
We presented the IATF 16949 documentation, so as to assure all its users that they have completed everything accurately and with the utmost efficiency.
Alla dokument är gjorda så att du kan följa den föreslagna ordningen perfekt, vilket gör att du kan se till att inget saknas och att ingen går vilse i processen.
De medföljande kommentarerna och flödesschemana hjälper personalen att förstå varje dokument och dess användbarhet, vilket hjälper dig att göra kvalitetshanteringen smidigare och processerna lättare att följa.
Features of the complete IATF 16949 Kit
Pris: 489 $
– Documentation included: 58 documents for the implementation of IATF 16949
- MS Office 2007-format, MS Office 2010, MS Office 2013
- Språk: engelska engelska
- Dokumenten är helt redigerbara - ange bara den information som är specifik för ditt företag.
– Acceptable for the IATF 16949 accreditation audit? Yes, all the documents required by IATF 16949 are included, as well as the quality policy and the current but optional procedures.
Omedelbar leverans - Paketet kan laddas ner omedelbart efter köpet.
Gratis konsultation - Dessutom kan du skicka in två kompletta dokument för granskning av professionella experter.
Skapad för ditt företag - Modellerna är optimerade för små och medelstora företag.
Complete IATF 16949 Package
The complete kit to implement IATF 16949
Pris : 489 $
Total genomförandetid: 8 månader
IATF 16949 Implementation Project Plan
Att uppnå ISO 17020 är en viktig milstolpe för alla organisationer och innebär ett åtagande för dataskydd och integritet. Våra expertkonsulter finns här för att vägleda dig genom varje steg i implementeringsprocessen, från inledande konsultation och gapanalys till slutlig bedömning och certifiering av efterlevnad. Med vår omfattande projektplan, skräddarsydda utbildningsprogram och dedikerade support ser vi till att din organisation uppfyller alla ISO 17020-krav på ett effektivt sätt. Samarbeta med oss för att öka din organisations trovärdighet, förbättra datahanteringsprocesserna och vinna förtroende på internationell nivå. Låt oss hjälpa dig att uppnå excellens inom dataskyddshantering.
Introduktion: Projektstart och analys av brister (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
Inledande uppgifter
1.1 IATF 16949 Kick-off and Awareness
Uppgift: Organisera kick-off-möte
- Beskrivning: Conduct a project kick-off meeting to discuss the objectives, scope, timelines, and resource requirements for IATF 16949:2016 implementation, engaging senior management and key stakeholders.
- Leveranser: Projektplan, mötesagenda och protokoll.
- Möte: Initial consultation with management and team leads.
1.2 Utföra Gap-analys
Task: Conduct Gap Analysis Against IATF 16949 Requirements
- Beskrivning: Assess the organization’s current quality management system (QMS) against IATF 16949:2016 requirements to identify areas that need improvement.
- Leveranser: Gap analysis report with identified gaps.
- Möte: Review findings with management and quality teams.
Section 1: QMS Planning and Documentation (Varaktighet: 2 månader)
2.1 Develop Quality Management System (QMS) Documentation
Uppgift: Definiera kvalitetspolicy och kvalitetsmål
- Beskrivning: Develop the organization’s quality policy and quality objectives in line with IATF 16949:2016. Ensure these are aligned with the organization’s strategic direction and customer-focused.
- Leveranser: Dokumenterad kvalitetspolicy och kvalitetsmål.
- Möte: Genomgång med högsta ledningen för godkännande.
Task: Develop Process Documentation
- Beskrivning: Document all key processes required by IATF 16949, including production, customer requirements, and supporting processes (e.g., corrective actions, management review, internal audits).
- Leveranser: Process maps, procedures, work instructions.
- Möte: Process review meeting with process owners and the QMS team.
2.2 Define Organizational Structure and Roles
Task: Define and Document Responsibilities and Authorities
- Beskrivning: Document the responsibilities and authorities of personnel involved in the QMS, ensuring alignment with the IATF 16949 standard.
- Leveranser: Organizational chart, roles, and responsibilities matrix.
- Möte: Review and confirm responsibilities with department heads.
Section 2: Risk Management and Operational Control (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
3.1 Implement Risk-Based Thinking
Task: Conduct Risk Assessments (IATF 16949 Clause 6.1)
- Beskrivning: Implement risk-based thinking by identifying and assessing risks and opportunities related to the QMS, product quality, and process performance.
- Leveranser: Risk assessment reports and action plans.
- Möte: Risk review meeting with senior management and key stakeholders.
3.2 Develop and Implement Operational Controls
Task: Establish Controls for Critical Processes
- Beskrivning: Define and implement operational controls for production processes, including controls for product safety, defect prevention, and special characteristics.
- Leveranser: Operational control procedures, process controls.
- Möte: Training session with staff on new operational controls.
Section 3: Supplier Management and Control of External Providers (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
4.1 Supplier Selection and Evaluation (IATF 16949 Clause 8.4)
Task: Implement Supplier Evaluation and Approval Process
- Beskrivning: Develop a supplier selection and evaluation process to ensure that external providers meet the organization’s quality and delivery requirements.
- Leveranser: Supplier evaluation criteria, approved supplier list.
- Möte: Review supplier performance data and approval criteria with procurement.
4.2 Control of External Providers
Task: Implement Controls for Purchased Products and Services
- Beskrivning: Establish controls to ensure that externally provided products, processes, and services conform to IATF 16949:2016 requirements.
- Leveranser: Supplier control procedures and monitoring plans.
- Möte: Supplier control review with procurement and quality assurance teams.
Section 4: Internal Audits and Corrective Actions (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
5.1 Develop Internal Audit Program (IATF 16949 Clause 9.2)
Uppgift: Skapa en plan för internrevision
- Beskrivning: Develop a comprehensive internal audit program to assess the effectiveness of the QMS. Ensure audits cover all key areas, including customer-specific requirements.
- Leveranser: Plan för internrevision, revisionsschema och checklista.
- Möte: Audit planning meeting with the audit team and QMS manager.
Task: Conduct Internal Audits
- Beskrivning: Perform internal audits of key processes to verify compliance with IATF 16949 requirements and identify any non-conformities.
- Leveranser: Interna revisionsrapporter, rapporter om avvikelser.
- Möte: Post-audit meeting to review findings and corrective actions.
5.2 Implement Corrective Action Process (IATF 16949 Clause 10.2)
Task: Develop and Implement Corrective Action Procedures
- Beskrivning: Establish a corrective action process to address non-conformities identified during internal audits, customer complaints, or production issues.
- Leveranser: Corrective action procedures and reports.
- Möte: Review corrective action process with management and process owners.
Section 5: Product Design and Development (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
6.1 Implement Product Design and Development Process (IATF 16949 Clause 8.3)
Task: Define and Document Design and Development Procedures
- Beskrivning: Establish a process for product design and development that complies with IATF 16949 requirements. Include controls for design inputs, outputs, validation, and verification.
- Leveranser: Design and development procedure, design review templates.
- Möte: Design review with engineering and quality teams.
6.2 Manage Design Changes and Customer Requirements
Task: Implement Change Control for Design and Development
- Beskrivning: Establish a process for managing design changes, ensuring all changes are documented, validated, and communicated to customers where applicable.
- Leveranser: Design change control procedures, change logs.
- Möte: Review with engineering and customer service teams.
Section 6: Monitoring and Measurement (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
6.1 Develop Measurement System Analysis (MSA) (IATF 16949 Clause
Task: Implement Measurement Systems and Calibration Program
- Beskrivning: Ensure measurement systems and devices are accurate and reliable. Develop and implement a calibration program to maintain measurement integrity.
- Leveranser: Calibration schedule, MSA reports.
- Möte: Review MSA findings with quality assurance and technical teams.
7.2 Implement Statistical Process Control (SPC) (IATF 16949 Clause
Task: Establish Statistical Process Control for Key Processes
- Beskrivning: Implement statistical process control (SPC) methods to monitor and control production processes, ensuring variation is minimized.
- Leveranser: SPC procedures, control charts.
- Möte: SPC training session with production and quality teams.
Final Assessment: Certification Audit Preparation (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
8.1 Conduct a Pre-Certification Internal Audit
Uppgift: Utföra internrevision före certifiering
- Beskrivning: Conduct a full internal audit to verify the organization’s readiness for the IATF 16949 certification audit. Identify and address any remaining non-conformities.
- Leveranser: Revisionsrapport före certifiering.
- Möte: Post-audit meeting to review findings and prepare corrective actions.
8.2 Certification Body Selection and Audit
Uppgift: Välj certifieringsorgan och schemalägg certifieringsrevisionen
- Beskrivning: Research and select an accredited certification body for the IATF 16949 audit. Coordinate audit schedules and ensure the organization is prepared.
- Leveranser: Certification body selection report, audit schedule.
- Möte: Final meeting with management to confirm readiness for certification.
Denna 8-månaders projektplan för IATF 16949:2016 implementation ensures a structured approach to achieving certification, with a focus on process improvement, risk management, supplier control, and continuous monitoring. The plan ends with a pre-certification audit and certification preparation, followed by ongoing monitoring and improvement of the QMS.
Vad våra kunder tycker:
The IATF 16949:2016 Complete Package was exactly what our automotive manufacturing company needed. Instead of hiring a consultant and spending weeks developing our system from scratch, this package provided ready-to-use templates and step-by-step guides that saved us both time and money. The expert support we received through the 1-on-1 sessions was invaluable, and we were able to achieve certification in record time. I highly recommend this package for anyone looking to streamline their accreditation process.”
Olivia R.
Chef för kvalitetssäkring
“This package was a huge time and money saver for our business! We were able to get all the documentation we needed for IATF 16949:2016 compliance without the hassle of creating everything ourselves. The templates were easy to edit, and the detailed guides made the whole process straightforward. Instead of hiring expensive consultants, we completed the certification process efficiently and at a fraction of the cost. Highly recommended for companies looking for a cost-effective solution.”
Daniel S.
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