IFS V8 komplett paket
2024-10-28 11:19IFS V8 Complete Package
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IFS V8 complete package
V8 version
Pris : 489 $
- The complete IFS V8 package is a comprehensive document set that includes all the templates for procedures, processes, forms, checklists, tools, detailed guides, and instructions needed to:
- Start your IFS V8 process.
- Create your IFS V8 documentation.
- Quickly access IFS V8 accreditation.
- Benefit from an IFS V8 management system that is simple and tailored to the needs of your organization.
Varför börja med en tom sida? Starta ditt projekt idag och spara upp till 80% i tid och pengar.
Paketet innehåller en timmes live 1-to-1 onlinesession med en ISO-konsult, dokumentgranskning, kontinuerlig e-postsupport i 12 månader och regelbunden uppdateringstjänst.
Kostnadseffektivt genomförande: Mycket billigare än en konsult på plats och kräver mycket mindre tid än att göra det från början.
IFS Version 8 Complete Package
• Added Value: All IFS V8 requirements have been developed into an efficient process that adds operational value to your organization and consequently increases productivity.
• Effective: Minimal effort is required to follow procedures necessary to meet all requirements of IFS V8.
• Simplified: Bureaucracy and excessive paperwork have been eliminated from each process to make it easy—while remaining fully compliant with IFS V8.
Starta ditt projekt idagoch spara upp till 80% på din tid och dina pengar.
The all-in-one document package for IFS version 8
Spara tid, spara pengar och förenkla ackrediteringsprocessen.
Dokumenten ingår:
👉 Det här paketet ger dig följande funktioner:
- Fullständigt livstid tillgång till
- Åtkomst på en bärbar dator, stationär och mobil
Intyg om slutförandet
This Package Includes:
- Kontrollförfarande för råvaror
- Allergenhanteringsprocedur
- Produktidentifiering och spårbarhetsprocedur
- Rengöring och sanitet
- Skadedjursbekämpningsprocedur
- Procedur för avfallshantering
- Korrigerande och förebyggande åtgärder
- Kalibrering och verifieringsprocedur
- Utbildnings- och kompetensförfarande
- Procedur för dokumentkontroll
- Utrustningsunderhållsprocedur
- Internrevisionsförfarande
- Leverantörsgodkännande och övervakningsprocedur
Dokument och formulär:
- Inkommande inspektionsprotokoll
- Allergenkontrolllogg
- Spårbarhetsrekord
- Checklista för rengöring och sanitet
- Pest Control Log
- Avfallshanteringsprotokoll
- Formulär för begäran om korrigerande åtgärder
- Formulär för begäran om förebyggande åtgärder
- Kalibrerings- och verifieringspost
- Träningsrekord
- Formulär för dokumentrevisionshistorik
- Underhållslogg för utrustning
- Internrevisionsrapport
- Leverantörsutvärderingsformulär
Handbok och kvalitetspolicy
- IFS v8 Food Safety Management System Manual
- IFS v8 Food Defense and Food Fraud Manual
- IFS v8 HACCP Plan Manual
- SOP för mottagning och lagring
- SOP för produktions- och processkontroll
- SOP för förpackning och märkning
- SOP för frakt och distribution
- SOP för personalhygien och GMP
- SOP för laboratorietestning och analys
- SOP för nödberedskap och insats
- SOP för återkallelse och krishantering
- SOP för hantering av klagomål och kundfeedback
- SOP för validerings- och verifieringsaktiviteter
Comprehensive Guide to IFS Food Version 8: Chapter-by-Chapter Breakdown of Key Requirements
Chapter 1: Governance and Commitment
This chapter focuses on the role of senior management in ensuring the effective implementation and continuous improvement of the food safety management system (FSMS).
Viktiga krav:
- Ledarskapsengagemang: Top management must demonstrate commitment to food safety and quality through active participation in the FSMS, allocating adequate resources, and ensuring its effectiveness.
- Corporate Governance: Establish clear roles and responsibilities for food safety and quality management within the organization.
- Kundfokus: Ensure that customer requirements are understood and met. Customer feedback should be used to continuously improve the system.
- Ledningens genomgång: Regular management reviews must assess the performance of the FSMS, taking into account key performance indicators, audits, and customer feedback.
Chapter 2: Food Safety and Quality Management System
This chapter outlines the essential requirements for establishing a robust food safety and quality management system (FSQMS), based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Viktiga krav:
- Documented FSMS: A documented FSMS must be established, implemented, and maintained, encompassing all processes related to food safety and quality.
- Riskbaserad strategi: The FSMS must be based on a risk assessment that identifies and controls potential food safety hazards (HACCP principles).
- Dokumentkontroll: Ensure that all documentation, including procedures and records, is controlled, up-to-date, and accessible.
- Traceability: A robust traceability system must be in place to trace products from raw material to finished goods, tested regularly through traceability exercises.
Chapter 3: Resource Management
This chapter focuses on the provision of adequate resources, including personnel, infrastructure, and training, to ensure the proper functioning of the FSMS.
Viktiga krav:
- Competence and Training: Employees must be competent for their roles, with adequate training provided in food safety, hygiene, and quality management. Training records must be maintained and regularly reviewed.
- Hygiene Measures: Personnel hygiene measures must be implemented, including handwashing, protective clothing, and restrictions on jewelry or personal items in food handling areas.
- Facilities and Equipment: The facility must provide a hygienic environment, with infrastructure and equipment that support the prevention of contamination, easy cleaning, and maintenance.
- Leverantörshantering: Approved suppliers must be evaluated and regularly monitored to ensure they meet food safety and quality standards.
Chapter 4: Planning and Production Process
This chapter addresses the specific requirements related to planning and controlling production processes to ensure food safety and quality throughout the supply chain.
Viktiga krav:
- Produktionsplanering: The production process must be planned and controlled to meet product specifications and customer requirements, including the correct use of ingredients, packaging, and labels.
- Critical Control Points (CCPs): Identify and manage CCPs where hazards must be controlled to prevent food safety risks. Monitoring and verification procedures must be documented.
- Allergenhantering: Systems must be in place to identify and control allergens, ensuring they do not contaminate products unintentionally.
- Product Development: New product development must follow documented procedures that assess food safety risks and verify that products meet safety, regulatory, and customer requirements before release.
Chapter 5: Product and Process Controls
This chapter ensures that food products meet safety, legality, and quality specifications, and that process controls are in place to maintain product consistency.
Viktiga krav:
- Specifications and Recipes: Maintain accurate specifications for all raw materials, ingredients, packaging, and finished products. Recipes must be followed precisely to meet customer and legal requirements.
- Process Monitoring: Implement controls to monitor critical parameters (e.g., cooking times, temperatures) and take corrective actions when deviations occur.
- Finished Product Inspection: Inspect finished products to verify compliance with specifications, including checks for microbiological, chemical, and physical hazards.
- Product Release: Implement procedures to ensure products are only released for distribution after meeting all safety and quality checks.
Chapter 6: Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
This chapter focuses on performance measurement, auditing, and continuous improvement to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the FSMS.
Viktiga krav:
- Internrevisioner: Conduct regular internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the FSMS and identify areas for improvement. Audit results must be documented and followed by corrective actions where necessary.
- Monitoring and Measurement: Performance metrics related to food safety and quality (e.g., CCP monitoring, customer complaints) must be tracked and analyzed.
- Customer Satisfaction: Collect and analyze customer feedback to assess satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
- Korrigerande och förebyggande åtgärder: Establish procedures to address non-conformities and implement corrective actions. Preventive actions should be taken to avoid the recurrence of problems.
Chapter 7: Site Standards
This chapter outlines the structural and environmental requirements for food manufacturing facilities to prevent contamination and ensure food safety.
Viktiga krav:
- Facility Design and Maintenance: The facility must be designed to facilitate hygienic operations and prevent contamination. This includes proper separation of raw and finished products and dedicated areas for cleaning and maintenance.
- Pest Control: Implement a documented pest control program, with regular inspections and preventive measures in place to minimize risks.
- Water and Air Quality: Ensure that water, ice, and compressed air used in production are monitored to meet safety standards and do not pose contamination risks.
- Avfallshantering: A system for managing and disposing of waste must be in place to prevent the accumulation of refuse and reduce contamination risks.
Chapter 8: Food Defense and Fraud Prevention
This chapter ensures that organizations protect their food products from intentional adulteration or fraud.
Viktiga krav:
- Food Defense Plan: A documented food defense plan must be implemented to protect against intentional contamination, including physical security measures, restricted access to sensitive areas, and staff training.
- Fraud Prevention: Organizations must assess the risks of food fraud (e.g., adulteration, mislabeling) and implement controls to prevent it. This includes monitoring supply chains and verifying the authenticity of raw materials and finished products.
90 dagars pengarna tillbaka-garanti
Om du av någon anledning under de första 90 dagarna efter köpet inte är nöjd av någon anledning, kan du helt enkelt kontakta support@qse-academy.com och vårt supportteam kommer att ge dig en omedelbar och fullständig återbetalning.
The package includes all the documents you need to comply with IFS V8 – these documents are fully acceptable by the accreditation audit.
Alla dokument är i MS Word eller MS Excel, vilket gör det mycket enkelt att anpassa dem till ditt företag. Du kan anpassa dem genom att lägga till företagslogotyper och färger och redigera rubriker och sidfötter för att matcha din favoritstil.
Vi har redan fyllt i ungefär 90% av den information som begärs i dokumenten. För att fylla i dem behöver du bara fylla i företagets namn, de ansvariga parterna och annan information som är unik för ditt företag. du kommer att guidas genom processen och kommentera de delar som behövs och de som är frivilliga.
We presented the IFS V8 documentation, so as to assure all its users that they have completed everything accurately and with the utmost efficiency.
Alla dokument är gjorda så att du kan följa den föreslagna ordningen perfekt, vilket gör att du kan se till att inget saknas och att ingen går vilse i processen.
De medföljande kommentarerna och flödesschemana hjälper personalen att förstå varje dokument och dess användbarhet, vilket hjälper dig att göra kvalitetshanteringen smidigare och processerna lättare att följa.
Features of the complete IFS V8 Kit
Pris: 489 $
– Documentation included: 58 documents for the implementation of IFS V8
- MS Office 2007-format, MS Office 2010, MS Office 2013
- Språk: engelska engelska
- Dokumenten är helt redigerbara - ange bara den information som är specifik för ditt företag.
– Acceptable for the IFS V8 accreditation audit? Yes, all the documents required by IFS V8 are included, as well as the quality policy and the current but optional procedures.
Omedelbar leverans - Paketet kan laddas ner omedelbart efter köpet.
Gratis konsultation - Dessutom kan du skicka in två kompletta dokument för granskning av professionella experter.
Skapad för ditt företag - Modellerna är optimerade för små och medelstora företag.
Complete IFS V8 Package
The complete kit to implement IFS V8
För kalibrerings- och provningslaboratorier
Pris : 489 $
Total genomförandetid: 8 månader
IFS V8 Implementation Project Plan
Att uppnå ISO 17020 är en viktig milstolpe för alla organisationer och innebär ett åtagande för dataskydd och integritet. Våra expertkonsulter finns här för att vägleda dig genom varje steg i implementeringsprocessen, från inledande konsultation och gapanalys till slutlig bedömning och certifiering av efterlevnad. Med vår omfattande projektplan, skräddarsydda utbildningsprogram och dedikerade support ser vi till att din organisation uppfyller alla ISO 17020-krav på ett effektivt sätt. Samarbeta med oss för att öka din organisations trovärdighet, förbättra datahanteringsprocesserna och vinna förtroende på internationell nivå. Låt oss hjälpa dig att uppnå excellens inom dataskyddshantering.
Introduction: Project Kick-off and Initial Assessment (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
Inledande uppgifter
1.1 IFS V8 Kick-off and Awareness
Uppgift: Organisera kick-off-möte
- Beskrivning: Hold a kick-off meeting to introduce the IFS V8 project to key stakeholders, discussing objectives, scope, timelines, and responsibilities.
- Leveranser: Projektplan, mötesagenda och protokoll.
- Möte: Inledande samråd med högsta ledningen och implementeringsteamet.
1.2 Utföra Gap-analys
Task: Conduct Gap Analysis Against IFS V8 Requirements
- Beskrivning: Assess the current food safety and quality management system against the IFS V8 standard to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
- Leveranser: Gap-analysrapport med identifierade avvikelser.
- Möte: Review findings with management and the quality assurance team.
Section 1: Document Control and Quality Management System (QMS) (Varaktighet: 2 månader)
2.1 Develop Quality Management System Documentation
Task: Define Food Safety and Quality Policies
- Beskrivning: Create or update the organization’s food safety and quality policies in line with IFS V8 requirements. Ensure policies include customer focus, food safety, and continuous improvement.
- Leveranser: Food safety and quality policy documents.
- Möte: Genomgång med högsta ledningen för godkännande.
2.2 Document Control Procedures
Task: Establish Document Control System
- Beskrivning: Implement a document control system for managing all procedures, work instructions, and records in compliance with IFS V8. Ensure documents are reviewed, approved, and updated regularly.
- Leveranser: Document control procedures and template.
- Möte: Utbilda personalen i dokumentkontrollsystemet.
Section 2: Food Safety and Hazard Management (Varaktighet: 2 månader)
3.1 Implement HACCP Plan (IFS V8 Chapter 2)
Task: Review and Update HACCP Plan
- Beskrivning: Conduct a review of the existing HACCP plan to ensure it meets IFS V8 requirements. This includes hazard identification, risk assessment, and defining critical control points (CCPs).
- Leveranser: Updated HACCP plan, hazard analysis report.
- Möte: HACCP team meeting to review and approve changes.
3.2 Develop Food Safety and Risk Management Procedures
Task: Implement Food Safety Risk Management Procedures
- Beskrivning: Create procedures to manage food safety risks, including allergen management, contamination control, and traceability.
- Leveranser: Risk management procedures, traceability system.
- Möte: Train staff on risk management practices.
Section 3: Product Quality and Process (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
4.1 Define Product Specifications and Quality Control
Task: Document Product Specifications
- Beskrivning: Establish and document specifications for all raw materials, intermediate products, and finished goods to ensure they meet quality and safety standards.
- Leveranser: Product specification sheets, supplier specifications.
- Möte: Review product specifications with procurement and production teams.
4.2 Implement Process Control (IFS V8 Chapter 4)
Task: Set Up Process Monitoring and Control Procedures
- Beskrivning: Develop process control procedures for critical processes to ensure consistent product quality and compliance with IFS V8.
- Leveranser: Process monitoring reports, control charts.
- Möte: Training session for staff on process controls and monitoring.
Section 4: Supplier Management and Traceability (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
5.1 Supplier Selection and Evaluation (IFS V8 Chapter 4)
Task: Implement Supplier Approval Process
- Beskrivning: Establish a supplier selection and evaluation process to ensure suppliers meet the quality and safety requirements of IFS V8.
- Leveranser: Approved supplier list, supplier audit reports.
- Möte: Review supplier performance with procurement and quality assurance teams.
5.2 Develop and Test Traceability System
Task: Implement Traceability Procedures
- Beskrivning: Develop and implement a traceability system that tracks products from raw material intake to finished product distribution, ensuring compliance with IFS V8.
- Leveranser: Traceability reports and system.
- Möte: Conduct a traceability test and review results with the quality team.
Section 5: Internal Audits and Corrective Actions (Varaktighet: 1 månad)
6.1 Develop Internal Audit Program (IFS V8 Chapter 5)
Uppgift: Skapa en plan för internrevision
- Beskrivning: Establish an internal audit program to assess compliance with IFS V8 requirements, including product safety, quality, and legal compliance.
- Leveranser: Internal audit schedule, audit checklist.
- Möte: Review audit plan with the audit team and management.
6.2 Implement Corrective and Preventive Actions
Uppgift: Upprätta rutiner för korrigerande åtgärder
- Beskrivning: Develop a corrective action process to address any non-conformities identified during internal audits or operational activities, focusing on root cause analysis.
- Leveranser: Corrective action log, root cause analysis reports.
- Möte: Post-audit review meeting to implement corrective actions.
Section 6: Site Standards and Environmental Control (Varaktighet: 2 månader)
7.1 Implement Hygiene and Site Standards (IFS V8 Chapter 4)
Task: Develop Site Hygiene and Environmental Control Procedures
- Beskrivning: Create hygiene and sanitation procedures to ensure the production environment is clean and meets IFS V8 standards for food safety and contamination control.
- Leveranser: Cleaning schedules, hygiene protocols, sanitation logs.
- Möte: Review and train staff on hygiene standards.
7.2 Control of Foreign Body Contamination
Task: Implement Foreign Body Control Measures
- Beskrivning: Establish controls to prevent foreign body contamination, including the use of detection systems (e.g., metal detectors) and staff training on proper handling practices.
- Leveranser: Foreign body prevention procedures, detection logs.
- Möte: Staff training on foreign body control.
Slutlig bedömning: Certifieringsförberedelser och extern revision(Varaktighet: 1 månad)
8.1 Genomföra internrevision före certifiering
Task: Perform a Pre-Certification Audit
- Beskrivning: Conduct a full internal audit to assess readiness for the IFS V8 certification audit. Identify any final gaps or non-conformities.
- Leveranser: Revisionsrapport före certifiering.
- Möte: Gå igenom revisionsresultat med ledningen och slutföra korrigerande åtgärder.
8.2 Val av certifieringsorgan och extern revision
Task: Select Certification Body and Schedule External Audit Conduct Internal Audit
- Beskrivning: Research and select an accredited certification body for the IFS V8 certification audit. Schedule the external audit and ensure the organization is fully prepared.
- Leveranser: Certification body selection report, audit schedule.
- Möte: Final meeting with management and quality team to confirm readiness for certification.
Denna 8-månaders projektplan för IFS Food Standard Version 8 implementation provides a structured approach to achieving certification. It covers the key areas of food safety, process control, supplier management, internal audits, and certification preparation, ensuring compliance with IFS V8 requirements by the end of the project.
Vad våra kunder tycker:
“The IFS V8 Complete Package from QSE Academy was a game-changer for our food safety management system. It provided all the necessary documents, templates, and guidance we needed to achieve IFS accreditation without hiring an expensive consultant. The entire process was simplified, and we were able to customize the templates to fit our business needs. We saved a significant amount of time by not starting from scratch, and the cost-effectiveness of this package made it an excellent investment. Highly recommended for any company looking to streamline their accreditation process!”
Emily R.
Compliance Manager
“This package was a real time and money saver for us! The IFS V8 Complete Package from QSE Academy provided everything we needed—document templates, procedures, and expert support—all in one place. We didn’t need to spend weeks or months figuring out the details on our own, and the continuous email support was a great help when we had questions. The cost of this package was far less than hiring an external consultant, yet the results were just as good. If you want to speed up your certification process and cut down costs, this package is the way to go!”
Daniel S.
Production Manager
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När du gör ett köp kommer du att bli kontaktad av en kundansvarig som hjälper dig genom hela processen. Vår schemaläggning är flexibel för att tillgodose dina behov. När du begär ett möte får du en länk för att välja en tid som fungerar bäst för dig. Dessutom kan du kommunicera med ISO-experten via e-post.