Where did iso come from?

Difference Between ISO 9001 and ISO 9002
Quality assurance

Where did iso come from?

Where did iso come from? ISO 9001 was developed in 1987 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard provides a framework for improving operations and meeting customer requirements. Organizations that are certified to ISO 9001 must undergo regular audits to ensure they continue to meet the requirements of the standard.

The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, is an international standard-setting body. Founded in 1947, ISO is responsible for developing and publishing international standards. These standards provide guidelines and specifications that help ensure products and services are of high quality and consistent across different countries and markets.

ISO is a voluntary organization, meaning that participation in its activities is open to any interested party. ISO standards are developed through a consensus-based process, which means that all interested parties have an opportunity to contribute to the development of a standard.

ISO standards are used by businesses, governments, and other organizations around the world. They help companies operate more efficiently and effectively, and they help governments develop regulations that protect consumers and promote fair trade practices.

ISO is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It has a membership of over 160 national standards bodies, which are the organizations that represent ISO in their respective countries.

So, where did ISO come from? The organization traces its roots back to the early days of standardization, when representatives from various countries met to discuss ways to improve the quality of manufactured goods and promote international trade. These meetings led to the establishment of several international organizations, including the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

In 1946, delegates from 25 countries met in London to discuss the possibility of creating a single international organization that would focus on standardization. This meeting led to the establishment of ISO in 1947.

Since its inception, ISO has published over 21000 international standards covering a wide range of products and services. These standards provide guidance for businesses and organizations of all sizes, in all sectors.

ISO is an important part of the global economy, and its standards are used by businesses and organizations around the world. By participating in ISO, companies can show their commitment to quality and international trade. And by using ISO standards, businesses can gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

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