ISO/IEC 17025 2017完整包 [Downolad]
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ISO/IEC 17025 2017完整包
价格: 389 $
完整的ISO/IEC 17025 2017软件包是一个全面的文件包,包含了从程序、流程、表格、检查表、工具、详细指南和说明的所有模板,需要。
- Start your ISO/IEC 17025 2017 process.
- Create your ISO/IEC 17025 2017 documentation.
- Quickly access ISO/IEC 17025 2017 accreditation.
- Benefit from an ISO/IEC 17025管理系统,简单且适应您的实验室的需要。
ISO/IEC 17025 2017版完整包
- 附加价值。 全部 ISO/IEC 17025 2017 要求已经发展成为一个有效的过程 这增加了 对你的实验室的业务价值 并因此提高生产力。
- 有效。 需要最小的努力 遵循必要的程序 以满足ISO/IEC的所有要求 17025。
- 简化。 在每个过程中都消除了官僚主义和过多的文书工作,使之变得简单--同时保持完全符合ISO的要求。/IEC 17025 2017。
- 受控文件总清单
- 受控记录总清单
- 计算机总清单
- 电子数据备份
- 风险与机遇登记处
- 管理评审会议模板
- 纠正行动和改进要求
- 纠正行动表
- 能力要求的工作概况介绍
- 业绩和培训记录
- 培训评估
- 年度 培训计划
- 经批准的外部供应商表格
- 外部供应商评估表
- 客户满意度调查
- 设备、量具和测量仪器的总清单
- 关键实验室设备清单
- 预防性和纠正性维护计划和日志
- 方法验证计划--通用
- 测量不确定度记录
- 测量不确定度检查表
- 内部审计计划
- 内部审计核对表
- 内部审计报告
- 审计不符合要求的报告
- 实验室环境控制的记录
- 采样计划
- 提交表格样本
- 抽样测试表
- 订单审查
- 校准时间表和日志
- 质量手册
- 质量政策
- 确保公正性(程序)
- 公正性声明
- 处理机密信息(程序)
- 确保探访期间的保密性
- 保密性声明
- 文件和记录的控制
- 风险与机遇管理程序
- 纠正行动程序
- 能力、培训和认识程序
- 外部提供的产品和服务程序
- 投诉和客户服务程序
- 设备管理程序
- 设备校准程序
- 确保结果的有效性
- 测量不确定性的评估
- 测试或校准项目的处理
- 方法验证程序
- 内部审计
- 对设施和环境条件的要求
- 审查请求、投标和合同
- 采样计划和方法
- 测试报告
- 校准报告和证书要求
- 对数据和信息管理的控制
ISO/IEC 17025 2017在新修订中的变化 :
ISO/IEC 17025:2017中需要记住的三个主要变化是更多的选择、风险的参与和当前技术的更新。
早在2017年11月,ISO/IEC 17025:2017校准和测试能力的一般要求就已公布。QSE学院提醒,所有被认可的实验室都必须在2020年末,即最终版本发布后的三年内转向新标准。
结构的变化 :
- 信息性附件A,与计量学可追溯性有关
- 信息性的附件B,与实验室管理系统的不同选择有关。
结构的变化 :
4.1 公正性
ISO/IEC 17025:2017将'公正性'一词定义为'客观性的存在'。同时,'客观性'是指'不存在利益冲突,或已解决,不会对实验室的后续活动产生不利影响'。
- 实验室必须建立一个结构来确定、分析和处理潜在的公正性风险,并尽量减少确保公正性的压力。
- 实验室必须说明如何减轻或消除风险。风险可能来自于活动和实验室人员的关系。
- 实验室必须设计和实施一个相关的行动计划。
- 实验室必须通过高级管理人员签署声明的方式承诺遵守诚信。
4.2 保密性
- 术语 "质量经理 "和 "技术经理 "没有被提及,但这些职能仍然在标准中。此外,关键职位不再必须有副手。
- 实验室需要撰写一系列的活动,但不包括长期分包的活动。
在新的ISO 9001:2015之后,还需要关于管理系统有效性的充分沟通过程。
- 在授权前接受监督,在授权后对人员进行监督。
- 取消对培训效率的评估。
- 取消对工作描述的记录,但有必要概述每个职能的能力要求,包括管理职能和对实验室结果有影响的职能。
6.3 设施和环境条件
6.4 设备
请注意,增加了对ISO 17034的参考,以强调RM生产商的能力。
6.5 计量学的可追溯性
- 通过使用一个NMI。
- 认可的校准实验室。
如果可能的话,实验室使用NMI或经认可的校准实验室更容易,也更有成本效益。否则,实验室可以选择根据ISO/IEC 17025来评估其能力。
6.6 外部提供的产品和服务
7.1 审查请求、投标和合同
- 当客户要求的方法已经过时或不合适时,建议客户。
- 在客户要求时,明确界定符合性声明。
- 在开始工作之前,解决合同与投标书或要求之间的任何分歧。
- 通知客户偏离合同的情况。
- 如果在工作结束后进行修正,则重复合同审查,并向所有受影响的人员传达。
- 与客户或其代表协调,清理要求,检查实验室与所做工作相关的表现。
- 保持审查的记录。
7.2 方法的选择、验证和确认
7.3 取样
7.4 测试或校准项目的处理
7.5 技术记录
7.6 测量不确定度的评估
7.7 确保结果的有效性
8.1.2 方案A
- 管理系统文件(见8.2)
- 管理体系文件的控制(见8.3)
- 记录的控制(见8.4)
- 应对风险和机遇的行动(见8.5)。
- 改进(见8.6)。
- 纠正措施(见8.7)。
- 内部审计(见8.8)。
- 管理审查(见8.9)
如果一个实验室符合8.2至8.9规定的管理体系要求的意图,则该实验室至少符合: 1:
- 已经确定并保留了一个符合ISO 9001要求的管理系统。
- 能够支持和证明持续满足第4至7条的要求。
30 天退款保证
如果在你购买的第一个90天内,无论什么原因,你对任何理由不满意,只要联系 我们的支持团队将立即向您提供全额退款。
该软件包包括你需要遵守ISO/IEC 17025 2017的所有文件--这些文件完全可以被认证审计所接受。
所有文件都在MS Word或MS Excel中,以使它们非常容易为你的业务进行定制。你可以通过添加公司标志和颜色来定制它们,并编辑页眉和页脚以符合你喜欢的风格。
我们提出了ISO 17025文件,以便向其所有用户保证,他们已经准确地和最有效地完成了一切。
完整的ISO/IEC 17025 2017套件的特点
价格: 389 $
- 包括的文件。58份实施ISO 17025的文件
- 语言: 英语英语
- 文件是完全可编辑的--只需输入你企业的具体信息。
- 可以接受ISO 17025 2017认证审核吗?是的,ISO 17025 2017要求的所有文件都包括在内,还有质量政策和现行但可选择的程序。
即时交付 - 购买后可立即下载该软件包
免费咨询 - 此外,你可以提交两份完整的文件供专业人士审查。
Complete ISO/IEC 17025 2017 Package for Calibration and Testing Laboratories
实施ISO/IEC 17025的完整套件
价格: 389 $
总实施时间:8 个月
ISO/IEC 17025 2017 Implementation Project Plan
Achieving ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation is a significant milestone for any laboratory, signifying a commitment to quality and competence. Our expert consultants are here to guide you through every step of the implementation process, from initial consultation and gap analysis to final assessment and accreditation. With our comprehensive project plan, tailored training programs, and dedicated support, we ensure your laboratory meets all ISO/IEC 17025 requirements efficiently and effectively. Partner with us to enhance your laboratory's credibility, improve operational processes, and gain international recognition. Let us help you achieve excellence in laboratory management.
简介:顾问参与和初始培训 (持续时间: 0.5 个月)
1.1 初步咨询和项目启动
- 说明 安排与主要实施者和顾问会面,讨论项目范围、目标、时间表和责任。
- 文件。 项目计划和会议议程。
- 会议: 首次咨询会议。
- 说明 Perform a detailed gap analysis to identify the current state of the laboratory and areas needing improvement to meet ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.
- 文件。 差距分析报告。
- 会议: 与顾问会面,审查差距分析结果。
1.2 培训
任务: 制定培训计划制定培训计划
- 说明 Create a comprehensive training plan covering all aspects of ISO/IEC 17025 implementation.
- 文件。 培训计划文件。
- 会议: Meeting with the consultant to review and finalize the training plan.
- 说明 Provide training sessions for all relevant staff on ISO/IEC 17025 requirements and the implementation process.
- 文件。 培训材料和出勤记录。
- 会议: 顾问培训课程。
Section 1: General Requirements (持续时间: 0.5 个月)
4.1 公正性
Task: Develop an Impartiality Policy
- 说明 Create and document a policy ensuring that all laboratory activities are conducted impartially.
- 文件。 Impartiality policy document.
- 会议: Initial meeting with the consultant to discuss and draft the policy.
Task: Conduct Risk Assessment for Impartiality
- 说明 Identify and assess risks to impartiality in laboratory activities, and document mitigation strategies.
- 文件。 Risk assessment report.
- 会议: Periodic meetings with the consultant to review identified risks and mitigation strategies.
Task: Implement Mitigation Measures
- 说明 Apply and document measures to eliminate or minimize identified risks to impartiality.
- 文件。 Risk mitigation action plan.
- 会议: Follow-up meeting with the consultant to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.
4.2 保密性
Task: Draft Confidentiality Agreements
- 说明 Create legally binding confidentiality agreements for personnel and external parties.
- 文件。 Confidentiality agreements.
- 会议: Consult with legal and compliance experts to finalize agreements.
Task: Establish Confidentiality Procedures
- 说明 Develop procedures to manage information confidentiality in laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Confidentiality management procedures.
- 会议: Training session with staff and consultant to ensure understanding and compliance.
Section 2: Structural Requirements (持续时间: 0.5 个月)
5.1 Legal Entity
Task: Verify Legal Entity Status
- 说明 Ensure the laboratory is a legal entity or part of a legal entity, and document the status.
- 文件。 Legal entity documentation (e.g., registration certificates).
- 会议: Initial meeting with legal advisors to review and confirm the legal structure.
5.2 Management Responsibility
Task: Define Management Responsibilities
- 说明 Identify and document the responsibilities of management personnel for laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Organizational chart and management responsibilities document.
- 会议: Meeting with senior management to confirm responsibilities and authority.
5.3 Scope of Laboratory Activities
Task: Define Scope of Activities
- 说明 Document the range of laboratory activities that conform to ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.
- 文件。 Scope of activities document.
- 会议: Consultation with the consultant to review and validate the defined scope.
5.4 Organizational Structure
Task: Establish Organizational Structure
- 说明 Define and document the organizational structure, including relationships between management, technical operations, and support services.
- 文件。 Organizational structure document.
- 会议: Meeting with all relevant departments to communicate and validate the structure.
5.5 Resource Allocation
Task: Allocate Necessary Resources
- 说明 Ensure the allocation of necessary resources (personnel, equipment, facilities) to laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Resource allocation plan.
- 会议: Periodic meetings with the consultant to assess resource needs and adjustments.
Task: Monitor and Review Resources
- 说明 Regularly monitor and review resource allocation to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness.
- 文件。 Resource review reports.
- 会议: Quarterly review meetings with the consultant to discuss resource adjustments and improvements.
Section 3: Resource Requirements (持续时间: 1.5 个月)
6.1 General
Task: Review and Identify Resource Requirements
- 说明 Assess and document all necessary resources including personnel, facilities, equipment, systems, and support services.
- 文件。 Resource requirement document.
- 会议: Schedule a meeting with the consultant to verify and validate resource requirements.
6.2 人员
Task: Define Competence Requirements
- 说明 Document the competence requirements for each function influencing laboratory activities, including education, qualification, training, technical knowledge, skills, and experience.
- 文件。 Competence requirements matrix.
- 会议: Initial meeting with HR and the consultant to discuss competence criteria.
任务: Develop Training Programs
- 说明 Develop and implement training programs to ensure personnel are competent to perform assigned tasks.
- 文件。 Training program documents.
- 会议: Training session with the consultant to guide staff through the new training programs.
Task: Authorize Personnel
- 说明 Formally authorize personnel to perform specific laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Authorization records.
- 会议: Internal review meeting to approve personnel authorizations.
6.3 设施和环境条件
- 说明 Evaluate and document the facility and environmental conditions necessary for laboratory activities.
- 文件。 设施评估报告。
- 会议: Consultation with the consultant to review facility requirements.
Task: Monitor Environmental Conditions
- 说明 Implement a system to monitor, control, and record environmental conditions.
- 文件。 Environmental monitoring logs.
- 会议: Regular review meetings to ensure compliance with environmental control measures.
6.4 设备
Task: Inventory and Assess Equipment
- 说明 Create an inventory of all equipment and assess its suitability for laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Equipment inventory list.
- 会议: Review meeting with the consultant to verify equipment suitability.
Task: Implement Equipment Maintenance Procedures
- 说明 Develop and document procedures for handling, transport, storage, use, and planned maintenance of equipment.
- 文件。 Equipment maintenance procedures.
- 会议: Training session with the consultant to ensure all personnel are aware of equipment handling procedures.
6.5 计量学的可追溯性
Task: Establish Calibration Program
- 说明 Develop a calibration program to ensure the metrological traceability of measurement results.
- 文件。 Calibration program document.
- 会议: Periodic review meetings with the consultant to assess the effectiveness of the calibration program.
6.6 外部提供的产品和服务
Task: Evaluate Suppliers
- 说明 Assess and approve suppliers of externally provided products and services to ensure they meet laboratory requirements.
- 文件。 Approved supplier list.
- 会议: Initial and periodic meetings with the consultant to review supplier evaluations.
Section 4: Process Requirements (持续时间: 2 个月)
7.1 对请求、投标和合同的审查
- 说明 Create procedures to review requests, tenders, and contracts to ensure the laboratory has the capability to meet requirements.
- 文件。 Review procedure document.
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure understanding of review procedures.
7.2 方法的选择、验证和确认
Task: Document Method Selection Procedures
- 说明 Establish procedures for the selection and verification of methods used in laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Method selection procedures.
- 会议: Review meeting with the consultant to validate method selection procedures
Task: Validate Methods
- 说明 Perform validation of methods to ensure they are fit for intended use.
- 文件。 Method validation reports.
- 会议: Periodic meetings to review validation results and approve methods.
7.3 取样
Task: Develop Sampling Plans
- 说明 Create sampling plans and methods to ensure the validity of subsequent testing or calibration results.
- 文件。 Sampling plans and methods.
- 会议: Review sampling plans with the consultant to ensure they meet laboratory requirements.
7.4 Handling of Test or Calibration Items
Task: Establish Handling Procedures
- 说明 Develop procedures for the transportation, receipt, handling, protection, storage, retention, and disposal or return of test or calibration items.
- 文件。 Handling procedures document.
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure proper handling of items.
7.5 技术记录
Task: Implement Record Keeping System
- 说明 Create and maintain a system for managing technical records, including procedures for record retention and retrieval.
- 文件。 Technical records management procedures.
- 会议: Internal meeting to train staff on the new record-keeping system.
7.6 测量不确定性的评估
Task: Establish Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation Procedures
- 说明 Develop procedures to evaluate measurement uncertainty for relevant laboratory activities.
- 文件。 Measurement uncertainty evaluation procedures.
- 会议: Review meeting with the consultant to validate and approve the evaluation procedures.
7.7 确保结果的有效性
Task: Implement Quality Control Procedures
- 说明 Establish procedures for ensuring the validity of results, including the use of control charts, proficiency testing, and inter-laboratory comparisons.
- 文件。 Quality control procedures document.
- 会议: Regular review meetings with the consultant to discuss quality control measures.
7.8 结果报告
Task: Develop Reporting Procedures
- 说明 Create procedures for reporting test and calibration results, ensuring they meet customer and regulatory requirements.
- 文件。 Reporting procedures document.
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure understanding of reporting procedures.
7.9 投诉
Task: Establish Complaints Handling Procedures
- 说明 Develop and document procedures for handling complaints from customers and other stakeholders.
- 文件。 Complaints handling procedures.
- 会议: Periodic review meetings with the consultant to assess the effectiveness of the complaints handling process.
7.10 Nonconforming Work
Task: Develop Procedures for Nonconforming Work
- 说明 Create procedures to manage nonconforming work, including identification, documentation, evaluation, and corrective action.
- 文件。 Nonconforming work procedures.
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure understanding and compliance.
- 7.11 对数据和信息管理的控制
Task: Implement Data Management System
- 说明 Establish a system for managing data and information, ensuring accuracy, security, and confidentiality. –
- 文件。 Data management procedures. –
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure proper data management practices.
Section 5: Management System Requirements (持续时间: 1.5 个月)
8.1 Options
Task: Choose Management System Option
- 说明 Decide whether to adopt Option A or Option B for the management system.
- 文件。 Decision document.
- 会议: Meeting with the consultant to discuss options and make a decision.
8.2 Management System Documentation
Task: Document Management System
- 说明 Develop and maintain documentation for the management system, including policies, procedures, and records.
- 文件。 Management system documentation.
- 会议: Review meeting with the consultant to ensure completeness and compliance.
8.3 Control of Management System Documents
Task: Implement Document Control Procedures
- 说明 Establish procedures for controlling management system documents, ensuring they are reviewed, approved, and accessible.
- 文件。 文件控制程序。
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure proper document control.
8.4 Control of Records
Task: Develop Record Control Procedures
- 说明 Create procedures for controlling records, ensuring they are maintained, protected, and retrievable.
- 文件。 Record control procedures.
- 会议: Internal meeting to train staff on record control procedures.
8.5 Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
Task: Conduct Risk and Opportunity Assessment
- 说明 Identify and assess risks and opportunities related to the laboratory’s activities, and develop action plans.
- 文件。 Risk and opportunity assessment report.
- 会议: Regular review meetings with the consultant to discuss and update action plans.
8.6 Improvement
Task: Implement Improvement Actions
- 说明 Develop and document actions to improve the effectiveness of the management system.
- 文件。 Improvement action plan.
- 会议: Periodic meetings to review progress and effectiveness of improvement actions.
8.7 Corrective Actions
Task: Establish Corrective Action Procedures
- 说明 Create procedures to identify, document, and address nonconformities and implement corrective actions.
- 文件。 Corrective action procedures.
- 会议: Training session with staff to ensure proper implementation of corrective actions.
8.8 Internal Audits
Task: Plan and Conduct Internal Audits
- 说明 Develop an internal audit program to evaluate the effectiveness of the management system.
- 文件。 Internal audit plan and reports.
- 会议: Audit planning and review meetings with the consultant.
8.9 Management Reviews
Task: Conduct Management Reviews
- 说明 Plan and conduct management reviews to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the management system.
- 文件。 Management review meeting minutes and reports.
- 会议: Periodic management review meetings.
Final Assessment and Accreditation Preparation (持续时间: 1 个月)
9.1 Final Assessment Preparation
Task: Conduct Final Pre-Assessment
- 说明 Perform a final assessment to ensure all ISO/IEC 17025 requirements are met and identify any remaining gaps.
- 文件。 Pre-assessment report.
- 会议: Meeting with the consultant to review the final assessment findings.
9.2 Internal Audit
Task: Conduct Internal Audit
- 说明 Perform a comprehensive internal audit to verify compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 standards.
- 文件。 Internal audit report.
- 会议: Post-audit meeting with the consultant to discuss findings and corrective actions.
9.3 Management Review Preparation
Task: Prepare for Management Review
- 说明 Organize and document the management review process, ensuring all aspects of the management system are evaluated.
- 文件。 Management review documents.
- 会议: Management review meeting to finalize the review process.
9.4 Accreditation Body Selection 4.
Task: Select Accreditation Body
- 说明 Research and select a suitable accreditation body for ISO/IEC 17025 certification.
- 文件。 Accreditation body selection report.
- 会议: Consultation with the consultant to finalize the selection of the accreditation body.
These tasks ensure a thorough and organized approach to implementing ISO/IEC 17025 2017, promoting competence, impartiality, and consistent operation within the laboratory.
"我们的实验室对接受ISO/IEC 17025认证的前景感到不知所措。
在审查了公司的软件包和评估了客户的评论后,我们的管理层决定从QSE学院获得工具包,以便我们能够迅速获得ISO/IEC 17025认证。
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